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Help me fix this mess? :\


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Okaaai weeeell

I've just been feeling... horrible lately. Stress and ... jealousy has just driven me into the ground, and the effects of them are... not good. I've tried to fix it but I've found I just can't do it alone.


I need your help!!


There's a few things that are driving me insane... I'm sorry it might be a bit of a rant...


1. Not knowing what I want to do with my life. I understand that there's heaps of time and blah blah.. but... I just have absolutely no idea. I went through school having no idea and I've done two years of uni already - one in business and gaming and one in Arts doing politics and writing (all of these things I'm really interested in!!) and there's really nothing there. I hated both degrees and I have absolutely no idea why. I'm passionate about politics and writing and have always been interested in business and gaming.. but I found them boring. I just have no direction or motivation.

I understand these things take time and it's hard for someone else to tell me what to do... but I'm just so lost. I'm transferring to other subjects this year in Arts and I understand that no matter what I do I can always change later but.. I'm having trouble even getting started.


2. I'm not financially independent and I can't get a job. I'm looking for part time work out of uni and I've applied everywhere but I can't get.. anything. I've written my resume from specialist sites and.. bleh. I don't know, but it's stressing me out because I have NO money at all.. I don't even have enough to get the bus fare to uni!! Seriously.


3. ... I'm constantly pissed off at my ex best friend. We had a massive fight about six months ago because she told her boyfriend everything I told her, and valued him alot more than me. We'd been best friends five years so it was really hard on me... she also, straight after, became best friends with all our mutual friends- even those she'd only met once- and stopped them from contacting me or hanging out with me. She converted them all to her side... and... I dunno, I just can't handle it. I have my new best friend, thank god, who refused to have anything to do with her, and she means a lot to me- but I just don't have that big group of friends anymore.


4. I don't want to have a boyfriend, but I do. I just only have the perfect one in mind (figuratively, they don't exist.. that I know of) and... nothing makes me want to settle for anything less than I've pictured. So that means I have incredibly high standards and.. I haven't met anybody that's met them or even come close...


I guess I'm just feeling really... lost and lonely at the moment, and I'd really appreciate some support, advice, or any stories you'd have to offer.


Thank you guys!!




p.s I wasn't sure what topic to put this in... sorry!! The last two actually refer to relationships, the other two don't...

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1. You should not stop looking for something to do with your life. Keep searching, and trying to get to know your self better.


2. Have you ever had a job? Do you live with your parents(from your parents pocket in apartment)? You might have to really cut back your standards for jobs until you get more experience.


3. Can't help you with anger issues, time will pass and things will eventually get better.


4. If your looking for the perfect person you need to be a perfect person. It always amuses me when I see gorgeous girls who want so much but offer so little. They find this perfect guy then he leaves them and they can't figure it out. I think some girls have an assumption that if they have plenty of sex then that is enough, long term it is not enough. There is a difference between finding a person who accepts you for who you are, and being a person who thinks everyone should conform to them. I don't know you and all that I've said may not apply at all to you, but think about these things when you look at someone you want.

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1. I know, but I have nothing to do in the meantime I need to be training, I've only got a limited number of years left to study without having to pay my fees up front (in Australia it's a loan, and is only usable for six or so years- I've already spent two and most degrees take three or four.)


2. Yeah, I live with my parents but I don't go out because I can't afford it- I have no standards!! Hehe I used to work at McDonalds but I had to leave because of sexual harassment... before that I had experience working in retail and in food, but I STILL can't get a job.


3. Yeah I know ._. but it's been a few months- is there anything I can do??


4. Haha perfect in my eyes is all I'm looking for is a person who accepts me for me- and is interested in some of the same things... I guess my standards aren't that high- but so far I've found nobody. It's disheartening.

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1. Does your college offer those personality tests for your best suited career like we have in the U.S.? Have you taken any?


2. Do they have temp agencies over there?


3. I know for myself it took over 2 years to get over one of my ex's, in the mean time I started a journal and wrote out some of my problems and that helped.


4. Well I can't really help you on that then. I haven't even seen my perfect someone yet. But I am getting better picking up the ladies lol. Things like that make me feel confident about what would happen when I do meet my special someone.


Good luck to you.

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