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will u ever date an asian?


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you guys tend to not show that you want to be asked out by non-asian men. alot of asians ONLY hang with asians and do asian-exclusive things. that makes things very awkward. you guys are also waaay too shy and not giving a fella you like eye-contact looks more like disinterest.

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I come from a country town in Australia and where I come from you don't get much variety of race. There are plenty of people from other cultures but they (not to mean offence in any way) are mostly not people that I would associate with- they either cannot speak English or are just plain dodgy. Then again, there are a lot of lowlifes just generally in this town and there isn't much choice anyway.


But myself, as a product of my upbringing I... don't really know if I would date a woman of another race. Right now my only positive experience with people of another race is communitychannel off youtube! But then again, she's not foreign... she's exotic. Hahaha.


So I pretty much have been brought up not exactly trusting people of other cultures- I try not to be racist, and I'm more way more passive than say Cronulla riots racist, but from the experiences of my formative years I doubt whether I will ever have such a relationship. It actually disappoints me that I feel like that- it's just ingrained into me.


But as an extra to your question I would also add that my opinion is probably shared by a multitude of other people.


Actually- I just realised I should clear up what I said above- I am open to friendships and being colleagues with people of other cultures (right now I'm good friends with a Chinese guy with mild autism), but I think my upbringing may have closed the door to a relationship with people from other cultures. Then again I tend to be very specific with the girls that I'm interested in anyway. I wouldn't say there's no chance- if the right girl came along there's always that maybe- but right now it's a bit of a no.

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you guys tend to not show that you want to be asked out by non-asian men. alot of asians ONLY hang with asians and do asian-exclusive things. that makes things very awkward. you guys are also waaay too shy and not giving a fella you like eye-contact looks more like disinterest.


haha i like ur signature

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if u dont mind telling me..where in aus r u? cuz in my city(which is kinda big)there are heaps of australian born asians...pretty much like communitychannel.

but anyway...i totally understand u are more into ur own race and own culture,but will u ever appreciate ppl from other races?no matter u find their looks attractive or have an amazing personality.or,just cuz she's another race u subconsciously say no to her?

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if u dont mind telling me..where in aus r u? cuz in my city(which is kinda big)there are heaps of australian born asians...pretty much like communitychannel.

but anyway...i totally understand u are more into ur own race and own culture,but will u ever appreciate ppl from other races?no matter u find their looks attractive or have an amazing personality.or,just cuz she's another race u subconsciously say no to her?


I live in Young, NSW, which has around 12,000 people in it as far as I can remember- though a lot of these are very old (a nearby town is described as "God's waiting room" so it is a fairly small place, which comes with small-minded people.


In answering your question, I DO appreciate people from other races but I myself fear that, from my upbringing, I may not come to have affections for a girl from a different race in the future. I plan to move to the city however (Canberra or Sydney probably) which opens up a multitude of opportunities for relationships with other races for me.


To add on to what I said before- I accept people from different cultures to call themself "Australian". I have no problem with that at all and detest the people who persecute these people. I am definitely open to friendships with people of other races too.


I just think that I probably will never be attracted to a person of a different race. So far it hasn't happened, but I will always leave myself open to it. I honestly haven't had that much experience with people of another race!

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oh well just feels like every methodology that works on other ppl doesnt work on me..and the difference between us is im asian they are white? i dont have many asian friends so i dunno..maybe im wrong


Well there are white girls who don't get much attention and I know asian girls who do so I just think it's not that simple and there might be other factors. It would be difficult to determine though without knowing you personally.


To address the original issue anyway; I don't think you can blame people for being primarily attracted to their own ethnicity. A lot of people are attracted to what is familiar, but on the other hand people can be attracted to what is exotic as well. I am caucasian and I tend to be attracted most to people of mixed race. I find it is a good balance, but that balance can be different for someone else. I am rarely attracted by the typical bleach blonde excessively tanned aussie girls. They are a dime a dozen. Despite that I do think pip_dog's experience demonstrates you perhaps will have more luck with people who are more conditioned from people of other ethnicities.

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It's not a matter if I would ever date an asian girl, for me not too many asian girls seem to be attracted to me. The other thing is so many are international students where I am at; communication is a major hurdle. You can't exactly flirt with a girl who only speaks chinese or korean if she doesn't speak understand english...

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Now what would be really interesting is if asian girls or guys prefer people other than white people. But that's something else I really don't want to dwelve into any further right now.


I do have my preferences but I would date anyone regardless of their race (including asians). It's all about the connection to me!

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It's not a matter if I would ever date an asian girl, for me not too many asian girls seem to be attracted to me. The other thing is so many are international students where I am at; communication is a major hurdle. You can't exactly flirt with a girl who only speaks chinese or korean if she doesn't speak understand english...


Personally I find the language barrier an edge as I am somebody who has interpersonal skills problems and then I can blame it on the lack of fluency in her language. Attraction is anyway expressed in a different language, that of body language and non-verbal communication. So the least I'm fluent in a girls language, the better. I just hate it when somebody (whose language I'm fluent in) tells me I'm "so quiet" and I turn red.

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