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will u ever date an asian?


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I have never been to Australia but I am assuming if you live in a big city, mix couples are common considering the amount of Asian immigrants there.


Maybe perhaps its not our cultures that prevent us from being approached but rather our own body language. I am actually polling my male friends if I come off as unavailable or unapproachable and it's amazing how perceptive they are to our body language. For me, I am confident and it shows in my walk and my interactions with other people. I am not shy and I am not uncomfortable approaching people, which leads my male "friends to have the impression that I am already "taken" and the shy ones to not approach because they are...well...too shy.


if confident and stuff gives out the vibe that ur taken..what behavior shows ur avaliable?

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I'm asian and have dated accross the board. I strayed away from the asian asian women though. Contrary to what you said, xyzzz, I found them neither exotic nor submissive (obviously on the first part) and I found them to be quite needy and... well... needy; in other words, high maintenance. I don't like that so I tended to date the whiter asians, lol.


Mixed couples are very common here in Canada (agreeing with poster above). This is especially true in larger cities like Toronto or Montreal. Yes, White male / Asian female is more common.


Also, I am seeing more and more mixed children and a few of my friends are mix. I know this one girl who looks asian except for her naturally auburn hair.

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I'm half, and here in california, people can't really tell that I'm asian (probably because of all the full asians around here), but when I go to places where asians aren't all that common, it's obvious to others that I'm asian. I don't think it's ever stopped anyone from approaching me.

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I've had many asians who have wanted to be with me but I never persued them not because of their looks or anything but because of their intentions.


I fanced this one girl who was everything I was looking for except she was 19 at the time and I thought she was quite sexy, she was korean mixed with latin, full figured, curvy and that personalitly I wanted wanted in a person but the reason why i didn't want to be with her in the end is she wanted to have a child at a very early age in life for some reason. Early as in 23 early to have a child and to me that was a huge turn off cause I'm not at an age were I can call myself a man quite yet and take care of a woman and a baby.


So I just let her go and I think she's pregnant today, i'm not 100% but I believe its possible, she mentioned something about she's 2 months or so and that sounds lot like pregancy talk.

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While I do not know you, I have known quite a few asians and how they interact with non asians.


Typically asian girls do not show interest outwardly in men. Even if they like them, they are quite reserved or will give too subtle of hints. While an asian man may recognize these hints, a person who is not brought up in that culture will be oblivious. Only a few men will approach a woman who doesn't smile at him or give him an inviting look...show some sort of interest. And typically these men aren't that great of guys.


A smile, an arm touch, a bubbly personality....can all go a long way.

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While I do not know you, I have known quite a few asians and how they interact with non asians.


Typically asian girls do not show interest outwardly in men. Even if they like them, they are quite reserved or will give too subtle of hints. While an asian man may recognize these hints, a person who is not brought up in that culture will be oblivious. Only a few men will approach a woman who doesn't smile at him or give him an inviting look...show some sort of interest. And typically these men aren't that great of guys.


A smile, an arm touch, a bubbly personality....can all go a long way.


what is explicit hints then? only smile or touch?we constantly smile but i dunno think that means anything.but yeah i guess we dont touch ppl much..and by we i mean whites too.Everytime they touched me accidently,or like bumped into me,they immediately say sorry(they are my friends not strangers)

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what is explicit hints then? only smile or touch?we constantly smile but i dunno think that means anything.but yeah i guess we dont touch ppl much..and by we i mean whites too.Everytime they touched me accidently,or like bumped into me,they immediately say sorry(they are my friends not strangers)


Do you flirt with guys you like?

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lol i dont really flirt i guess..what is flirt? sweet talk or ?

to the guys i like,im just friendly with them and i laugh a lot when talking to them and im funny myself too..


Well you can try to be a bit more adventurous by showing extra attention to the guy you like. A good thing to do when you are alone is say something like "so, any girls in your life?". It gets him in that mindset without being awkward. Another thing is nicknames. Call a guy " (insert names) cakes" or "(insert name) kazoo" when you first see him that day and he'll light up. It sounds stupid but it's playful and it always works for me.

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well i always got the impression u guys only interested in whites


Personally I'm white and only interested in Indian girls, especially Punjabis.

I never dated a white girl.

It's not just looks although the initial idea was probably that but in the meantime I've learned a lot about their language and culture and feel at ease with them. I'd go to great lengths to get a Punjabi GF again.

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Yes, I would definitely date an Asian woman if she is nice. To be honest I find Asian women more attractive than most other women.

It's just those mysterious eyes and the black hair... Beautiful !


I'm not from Australia, but I'm sure there are loads of guys down under who would think like me. Just make yourself seem approachable (smile, open body language, etc.)

I find a lot of quite 'traditional' Asian women from countries like China and Korea come accross as quite reserved and happy to be by themselves, until you get to know them quite well. Don't know if you're like that.

Maybe if you try behaving a bit more like a regular easy-going Australian lady you might have an easier time getting approached.

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