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i've never had a boyfriend, been on a date, or kissed a guy


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...and i'm 17 for crying out loud. i have been asked out in the past, and guys have liked me, but i just don't get approached at all anymore (even when i did though, i was an awkward mess, and they soon lost interest). i feel like such a little girl still, like i haven't grown up yet or something along those lines. all of my friends have had boyfriends, or at least they are capable of getting them. i know that my shyness has a lot to do with the situation, but i am also not so attractive. yeah, so i don't just want a boyfriend for the sake of having one, but i want to actually find someone i click with. it's very frustrating...

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I'm sorry to hear you're so bummed out about the guy situation. You really shouldn't feel as if you need to have a boyfriend in order to be grown up. As you say, you don't want just any old guy for the sake of saying you have a boyfriend.


As for your attractiveness, guys (like me) aren't always predictable in who they think is attractive. When you get right down to it, the main thing is chemistry, and that's not based on looks. If there's anything under your control, such as your weight or your clothing or hair and most importantly, how you radiate your personality, then by all means work on that. Otherwise, if we're talking about how God made you, be proud. Do you think every guy on the planet looks like Brad Pitt? Well, there's a guy for you out there, as long as you aren't judging him for HIS looks, either.

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Don't worry. Things will happen on their own time. Some people get into their 20s before actually kissing someone. Don't worry, you are not abnormal for never getting kissed. I think I even got my first kiss at 17 & my first boyfriend then too, my sister is 17 & she hasn't been kissed yet either or had a boyfriend. So there are many out there that can relate to you. You say that all your friends have boyfriends, ask them if their boyfriends have any friends that you might be interested in. Thats a great way to find someone, through your friends. They know you best, if they know of someone they think you may like, you should ask them to set up a double date or something. Dont' feel bad or anything about your age. Everything will happen on its own time, don't try to rush it.

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I hear from EVERY WHERE I am VERY attractive. I never had a GF, never been kissed until .... 3 days after my 20th birthday. I just could never get to that point with someone else. Things would seem to be going good with a girl at school / church / neighborhood, then she has a total change of heart. don't fret about it.


Supposedly I am the most passionate kisser my GF has ever had, I guess its all the years of desire and anxiousness that exploded from me onto her.

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I have the same problem! I'm 18 and I've never had a girlfriend or been kissed...it does bum be out at times too...and as much as I would like a girlfriend...I also don't want some random girl...I too want someone I can get along with...so far though in my life, I have yet to be approached by any girl...but I figure I'm still relatively young, and I'm sure I'll find love somewhere down the road...don't give up!

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I am 18 and last month I got my first kiss from my first girlfriend. I had the chance to kiss a few girls before, but I am so glad that I didnt go start making out just to make out.


Be patient, I have 23 year old friend that has still yet to be kissed.


It will happen with time. (man did I hate hearing that)



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