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Clocks on the wall watch with sympathetic eyes

Their minutes reluctant, yet their calling there lies

My calling lies with you, and in waiting for your name

Your calling lies with them, yet I called you and you came


But ages have been, hours lived and died

Oceans fell and rose, tide after tide

My feelings stayed steady, not a wrinkle, not a scar

I loved you from all distances, but the most from a far


I desperately wanted you but would not take you

It's easy to mistake, but I did not forsake you

It is I who's been forsaken, done wrong by myself

I placed my body out of reach, his grip the highest shelf


But wherever the body is, the mind does not follow

My mind is full of imagery, the body is hollow

My mind in obsession, telling gallantly our tale

I never grow weary, it never grows stale


It never grows cliched, it never grows old

Repeated in lunacy, yet it still feels untold

Only one soul on Earth who has not heard the story

All you saw was treachery, not the love nor the glory


And wherever your presence is words will not go

Diminished into nothing, silence will grow

For though I may speak, both loudly and clearly

I speak only gibberish, sometimes coded, but rarely


And I talk of your stupidity, your failure to all see

I talk of your stupidity, when the stupid one is me

I talk and talk of feelings, to all who do not care

I talk in hopes that it will reach you, travelling ear to ear


But I must be aware of the spies, their senses are surely polished

Your goodness to me is so clear that I'd hate to see it demolished

I'd defend your honor till the end my love, I'd start a war in your name

I'd assemble a thousand armies, I'd gladly assign myself blame


And though the blame would be unrighteous, I'd claim it as my child

You were always the sensible one, I was the one who was wild

I was the one with the passion and fury and good senses that had no say

You were the one with the moral and values, you were the one lead astray


But as I speak it, we both hear it, it's incorrect and misspelled

I never took you, though I would claim to if the trial ever was held

I could proudly wear my love for you, it stays hidden in your protection

Whilst I am your shame, your secret, your lie, the smudge in your own reflection


And the more you tell me of my grandure and greatness, the more you become my vice

Ten minutes a day, a dream every night, does not for me suffice

You've made me greedy and I do not like it, I do not like my dislike for her

You once told me she was the best thing for you, I'm your sickness, she is your cure


And whatever ails you, she will nurse you, as I lie alone and unwell

My conscience in pain, my pressure unstable, my heart beginning to swell

You are only there when you find it fitting, you left me alone and diseased

Do you find it so strange that I had to show you that I can by others be pleased?


And though I couldn't, at least I can say there was an effort on my part

It's always easier to be weak than strong, especially for the heart

Pleasure first, it asks selfishly, knowing of pains to come

And as they arrive, many and forceul, it does not wish it all undone


And here I lie, patiently waiting, it seems you will never show

And if you now are gone forever, there is one thing you must know

Every moment, though small in time, was big and great and grand

The touch of your skin, the sound of your voice, the feel of my soul in your hand


I found you endearing, I found you amazing, though I found it unable to sound

I found myself proud for finding you, I found you a treasure unfound

I found myself happy that distant morning, as the ship laid on the docks

Nothing will erase the memory, not even watchful clocks

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