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Casual sex?


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Ok, ive only ever had sex with 2 boyfriends before. Boyfriends that ive loved and vice versa. Never had sex until about 2 months into the relationship.


Now though, im not into having boyfriends. Im in college and just having fun. Ive been dating around, but never actually got physical past kissing with a guy yet since my last ex and i broke up. Im looking to change that with a guy ive been seeing casually. Obviously gunna be safe, im on BC and always have condoms. But, what should i expect? My sister said that casual sex is different from having sex with a boyfriend. What can/should i do to make it better? I guess im just curious as to what people think and advice they might have!

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well the first advice i would give you is that sex is most likely not going to be as great as when you had it before. your body is used to a certain touch and way things feel and most likely a new guy that doesnt know you that well isnt gonna 'deliver' as well in bed. each person is different so even youve never had a problem before dont expect things to be 'awesome' with a guy you havent been seeing long or dont plan to see for very long.


i guess i would just communicate really well what i want in bed or while doing it to get the most out of casual sex.

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Really the only difference that I can tell between sex with a BF and sex casually is the emotional element. Make sure you can handle the lack of that. Casual sex can be very nice but it is not as emotionally fulfilling as committed sex. For some people, if they are not emotionally attached to the person, the sex act can be awkward and not as physically fulfilling either. So if you decide to do this, prepare yourself mentally for what you are doing. Try to be comfortable and enjoy yourself. Sex should be enjoyable if nothing else!

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Be safe and make sure that you can separate sex from 'making love.' If the understanding is that it's a fwb situation then make sure you go into it with your eyes wide open.


Yes, eyes wide open is important. Don't think that having casual sex with someone who doesn't take you out will somehow get them to fall for you. Chances of that are slim. Real slim. If you want this guy to be your boyfriend, then you have to set it up as a bf/gf situation, not a FWB situation. But if you just want to experience casual sex, go for it. ALWAYS use a condom.

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