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Success (Kinda) Now What?


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Hey, I posted here a few weeks ago about asking out a girl in my class that I didn't really know or talk to. Since then I've been talking to her a little and tonight I asked her if she wanted to go get some coffee after class. We'll I didn't exactly ask I told her I was planning to go get some coffee and she was invited to come (something like that). She said yes (something like she always likes to get coffee after class) and we met at the coffee shop. It took me a few weeks to do it, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She talked a lot about her family and I talked about some stuff, it was non-stop no pauses or anything. The only bad thing was she refused to let me pay, she said it was for getting me in trouble at school but I tried. The cashier wouldn't take my money. I'm not sure how everything went for her but we were there for like 40 min until the place closed then went our separate ways. I had fun, I hope she did too. I was going to ask for a number, but it didn't seem right so I figured I'd just see her in class tomorrow. I almost didn't say anything to her about going but I did it because I figured it would be better than having to go on beating myself up about chickening out.

I recommend if you think you have a shot at the girl go for it. I'm glad I did.


Now I'm not sure what to do. I'll see her tomorrow but I'm not sure how she feels. Not even sure if she has boyfriend. I figure things can go two ways she didn't really like me and will maybe say a few things tomorrow, or she does like me and we do something again.

Anyone have any advice for me??



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If you talked for a good time, and 40 minutes is good, it sounds that she is interested in you. I would suggest talking to her and maybe getting to know her more. I suggest to take things slow, maybe find out she has a boyfriend in simple casual conversation...anyway hope this helps! Good luck!

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