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First time to ask out a girl.....


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Okay, if your shy then I know it can be tough...I do the same thing with some girls I like at times. Really, when you approach a girl to ask her out...keep eye contact, and smile. Also, think of the outcomes before you ask this girl out...two things could happen:

A. She rejects you

B. She accepts your offer


If A, happens, then no big deal..there are still 'plenty of fish in the sea', and also it's not the end of the world...anyway, you should try to have confidence in yourself, and try not to get bummed out if she rejects you...simply move on...hope that helps?

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I am a person who is the extreme at shyness! I am shy with strangers, people i know somtimes, and most of all girls i find attractive.... I have tried and not suceeded. But i am hoping for some advice...

Once I had the same problem. But know what -- things have changed when I first came to some large meetings of a local chat room. We knew each other via Internet, and the company was warm and great.


Maybe you could be more active at some Internet communities, as link removed, link removed, livejournal or whatever. You will be amazed to find out that some new people will contact you by themselves -- you don't need to be the first. It's always a great feeling not to be the start-giver of a releation, friendship or romance it be.


Good luck to you

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ok ill give it a shot. um i tried to ask someone out today and i chickened out so i understand the shyness. what i do is try to talk to her make eye contact and smile and be your self or write a note asking her out give it to her and tell her to read it in her next class and get back to you i hope this helped

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Dpressed, uhh i don't think that note thing will work. In fact, I would recommend not doing it. Girls are just people. If everyone were afraid of every girl, then our species would die out in about a week. You have to get over your fears. They aren't worth having. You gain nothing by being afraid this way, and you have everything to lose. Good Luck.

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Notes can be used to blackmail you. Words cannot... unless they have a tape recorder. LOL not saying they will blackmail you, but you always fear the worst when you wanna ask someone out...

Anyway, the best way is to just ask her. If she says no, so what? If anyone like makes fun of you, just call them gay or childish or something (Note im not saying anything bad about being gay, but well you know what i mean)

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Just go up to her, smile, and ask, "Hey [name], I was wondering if you would like to [insert activity here] with me sometime?". I stronly suggest against using "Will you go out with me?" because it immediately sets you up for rejection. Keep in mind that its okay to be nervous when asking her, most guys are. If she rejects you, then just move on to another girl. Considering how many pretty girls there are, and many of them don't even get asked out too often, your chances of her accepting are relatively good. Whats really ironic is that the most beautiful, "super hott" girls rarely get asked out because most guys feel intimidated by them! I hope I helped.

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I got a question,

what happeneds if the girl say no because she has a boyfriend?

I never a ska girl before, but what should one do if she saids that?

I always like to answer back...should someone say "oh" and walk away?

or say "so?"....

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