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what shouldd i do?


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I just made an honest mistake. Truly. honest one.

A friend texted me: have a great week ahead.


I wanted to reply her, but i didnt have airtime on my phone, so i picked up my second phone and typed in :


'Same to you' and then mistakenly typed in my ex's number which is stuck in my brain into the phone and sent it.


honestly i am upset. I dont want the assclown thinking i sent it to him in reply to his vals day text because thats not what it was.

what should i do? further ignore it/ or send him a text that the message wasnt for him?


now i am soooooo angry.

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i think you should text your ex and say the text was a mistake. it may have given him false hope considering he may have thought it was a reply to his valentines day text. explain it was intended for someone else but he mistakenly got it and leave the matter at that. in the meantime, text your friend back with the text they were supposed to get. don't be angry with yourself, it's just a genuine mistake.

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Are you afraid to send him the wrong message? Was it clear things were over?


If it was clear things were over then I wouldn't worry about it. You are overthinking things. Also "Same to you" does not exactly give off warm and cuddly feelings. It's actually a little cold IMO. I wouldn't bother explaining myself. It's my ex and I would leave my past in the past.

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Well am doing NC partly hoping to get d ex back, abd partly to move on. So that's it. He sent me the vals text yesterday morning which read:


Happy Valentine's day.


I didn't reply.

Then today (almost 24 hrs later) I mistakenly sent that.

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