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What pill is the best pill?


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hi again people


as some of you might have known i wrote a post some time ago called "29th july, my birthday" or summit along those lines. well i was asking you some advise.



Im researching the "best way" to die. im thinking of pills now as someone mentioned to cut wrists u need to cut like 2 inches in which is mega deep so ...



WHAT is the best pill to overdose on (counting factors like painless, quickness, uncounciouse, effiency, easy to obtain)


+ i dont wonna jump because its to public


so please get back to me about pills, thnx.




p.s Admin pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease dont ban me or delete this post. im seeking help and this is my last resort.

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Hey. You really shouldn't commit suicide. Actually, i dout(sp?) you are really planning on it, because if you were, seems to me you would not be wasting your time on a relationship site. Maybe you should go see a doctor about your umm wanting to commit suicide. Keep in mind that commiting suicide would hurt those around you more than it would hurt you. Suicide is a act in vain, if you don't mind my saying so. Please send me a message if you would like to talk. I would appreciate it greatly.



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Well man, I tell you that you shouldn't do it. I know how you must be feeling if you have those kinds of thoughts. Just take a look at my signature and you will know how I feel (lol ). Why is it that you want to commit suicide? I also have had those thoughts in my mind (even today), but I will not just give up that easily. There is no best pill. You could end up causing yourself permanent damage (you would have to live the rest of your life handicapped and paralyzed without even being able to eat for yourself, or speak). Also, think about what your folks and relatives will have to go through. You may say that maybe life won't get better, but what if it does? You will look back and see what you would have missed. You need to meet people and find a hobby you like. You may feel your life is pointless, well then find a center (something I haven't been able to do, but for various reasons). But it may be easier for you. Set yourself a goal. Mine is finding that center I spoke to you about. If you need to talk, just pm me. I hope I helped. Best wishes.

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well im on a relationship site because i dont know/couldnt find any sites or forums about suicide + the main reasons why i am killing my self is because of relationships, well, lack of relationships.


also many people out there dont relise how hard it is to speak to someone about your problems. Also another thing that people dont relise who try giving help to suicidle people is that some of them DO NOT WANT HELP in some cases and feel that there is no hope and just want to die.


right now, i dont feel i can or want to talk to anyone, i just want to die as the problems that i have is things that cannot be changed by speakign to someone.


p.s i am not asking for help to live, i am asking for help how to die.


+ if im being selfish to my family killing myself, arnt my family being selfish not letting me r.i.p

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Toggle, we won't ban you - however we won't allow anyone to tell you how to die either. We are here to help. And while you might really feel that death is the only way to end the pain that you are feeling, there are countless members on here who would like to convince you differently.


I'd like you to visit a couple of websites for me. When I felt suicidal these are the ones that helped me the most:

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Since you live in the UK you are in luck. There is a fabulous group of people there called The Samaritans. They are great to talk to and will will do everything they can to help you sort out the things in your life that are causing you pain. Please pay them a visit at: link removed Their phone number is listed on the home page of their site.


So take a little bit of time from your research on pills and browse these sites. It only takes a few minutes, and I'm willing to bet you that something catches your eye and shows you that they understand how you are feeling. Nobody here wants to see anything happen to you so we are all rooting for you to get through this.



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Whatever. I was just trying to help. I understand you don't want to talk, because I do feel like that sometimes. I also don't have many relationships. But, just remember that the only thing eveybody likes, no matter what, is money. When someone doesn't like another person, it will be his/her loss.

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All I'm going to say is:



Please don't you've got your whole life ahead of you - it has it's ups and downs but thats part of it. I don't know you from adam but I'm sure you will be missed.


Again: Don't do it (please)

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P.s I know it's hard getting people to understand how you feel - but sometimes just having someone to listen to you can help so as a risk i'm going to point you in the direction of my website below (www), that's my number on the front page on the business card at the bottom feel free to call ( I'll even call you back if it helps)



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Hey avman, just out of curiosity, why aren't we allowed to tell him how to die? I mean, hypothetically, assume we can't convince him not to die. Then, wouldn't we want him to die in the most peaceful way possible? Wouldn't we want his parents not to be horrified that he broke his neck with a sledgehammer, or slit his wrists / throat? Don't get me wrong here, I want toggle to stay alive as much as I can. But what if june 29th comes around and we still can't convince him otherwise? Shouldn't we help him to get what we can't change his decision on?

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I'm guessing by your compassionate responses to toggles cry for help that you are indeed on the same page. In a nutshell, telling people how to die contradicts the mission of eNotalone. We are here to help people get through whatever it is they are facing.



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Just a bit........!



It's just gone 12 midnight here and i'm up for work in 6 hrs so if it's ok with you i'll leave you to it till then, to knock some sense into someone (mentioning no names!!)


I may be V.new here but believe me when i say i know what i'm talking about. Life is just far to precious to throw it away




edit/ oh and those web links you gave Avman make good advice reading please 'Toggle' have a look b4 you make your choice

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Dear toggle

I am very concerned that again you are thinking of suicide. I was thinking about you only the other day and wondering how you were getting on. So i looked on the site to find you and here you are thinking of doing it again.

Suicide is not the answer to your problems.

have you tried any of the methods we talked about for getting a better slant on your life?

Are any of the problems sorting themselves?

Come back to me and im sure we can work through this with you.

With much love

Nenez xxxxx

PS PM if this thread is getting too long. xx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Toggle,

I know how you feel. I have searched and searched the internet for the best way to die. There are titles on how to commit suicide but none of them tell you how. I have tried cutting my wrist but I can't cut deep enough. This is really painful. I have overdosed on Tyelnol but ended up in the hosiptal and had to drink some awful stuff other wise they were going to stick a tube down my throat. I have tried to get help but no one understands me and meds. don't help. I have been on them for over nine months. I search for a solution but nothing helps. All the websites tell you God will help you well he hasn't. Someday when I am not a chicken I will be able to do it the right way.

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i do not get you, you are so young and have so much to live for and you just want to end it. ending it it is not an answer to anything, the only thing you will do is cause pain to your family and people that love you. remember you start apprciating life when it is ending so do not do it.




good luck

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If I were to die no one would care. I take that back my mom might but my dad commited suicide and she got over it quick and found a new man. She would get over me. Love is a lie. People have proven it by how they hurt me. People say they love you and prove they don't by there actions.

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dead soon,


you are wrong i would care and i'm sure alot of people hear would too, otherwise they would not reply. do you honestly think that you are the only one with problems, we all have them that is part of life. we all get to the point where we think it is over and there is no sense, but there is and the bigest is to beat life and to be stronger everytime you get up.




good luck

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Look dude. You seem like a fair decent kid, Yeah Lifes a bitch but why throw it away... Its banged up a bit yeah but its still got more value than pills or a bullet or whatever.


Im not gonna tell you not to kill yourself, If i could on this forum i would tell you the best way to make it painless or whatever your go is unfortunatlly that would mean talking but low and behold you like a lot of people out there are "beyond" talking.


Heres the clincher. I cant. So what i propose is that you take a look at how many people kill themselves each day and compare that to the number of rapes and hard drug junkies are out there doing what they do best. I would hardly say that they deserve to live and you dont.

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I think...that if you really wanted to figure it out...you could...the least painfull ways i mean, *shrugs*


Thank goodness you havnt yet.


Since were all obviously horrible people who wont tell you how to die, why dont you just, enjoy life, just a thought...i dont know...Go out...have fun

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I have read all of the posts, and I must say I think you have made some new friends here you can trust. Allot of people really care what happens to you, but now if you choose to live , you will have to make some changes. I would encourage you to go to the websites Avman suggested in his post, I remember a time when I though I had run out of choices in my life. And for me it became a defining moment in my life and I made some serious changes. Because I did not know at the time I was closing myself off from many other choices I still had left, all I had to do was to explore them. One thing that has and always will be etched in my mind and soul...was..that horrible 9/11 day that hit the world trade center. I can't help "believe that all those poor souls that went to work that day and died. That they would love to trade with any one of us for just one more miserable day on this planet above ground. I'm grateful today and everyday I see a new sunrise and i'm breathing. The reason why...is because it is another day of hope on this planet for us to make some changes and better our situation, if we choose too, I choose too. Killing yourself is not the answer, you already know that. What you may need is a new outlook on you future is all. You can pm me anytime if you care to share what is still eating at you and whay you are "even" considering this as an option. You can change your attitude and get the help here with people that really do care. I got help here myself, and you can too. Get some rest, and start thinking about what you really want to do with your future. And yes you have one, but you are going to have to do the work. We will be here to support you all the way.


Dig Deep, and get your energy back, because it is time to choose a different road, one without a road sign that says dead end. You can get back on the right road, all you need is the desire.




8) these are for you my friend

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  • 2 weeks later...

According to what it says by your name, you are only sixteen. You say you are going to kill yourself due to lack of relationships. Think of this, I am nineteen, I've never been on a date. Do you see me running around looking for pills to swallow and knives to cut myself to pieces?


I don't mean to sound harsh, but I think you are seeking attention more than an actual solution to your problems. Like someone said previous to me, if you really wanted to die, you wouldn't be wasting your time on here trying to find out the quickest, most painless way to go. I think that if you really wanted to be dead,you wouldn't care that much. Afterall, why go for the easiest way when it won't even matter within ten minutes?


Killing yourself is not going to solve anything. You aren't even giving yourself a chance to have a relationship or whatever it is that you are seeking. And your parents are absolutely not selfish for not wanting you to die. They are not selfish for bringing you into this world, loving you, providing for you, and basically living for you. What do you think it is going to do to them if you just go ahead and kill yourself? What are you going to write on your suicide note? "Oh, I'm killing myself at the age of 16 because I can't get a relationship. Bye." Sorry, but that's ridiculous, and you truly are being selfish, and totally unreasonable.


If you kill yourself, its not because you can't get a relationship, its because you have some sort of psychological, or mental disorder, like depression or something of the like.


So here's what I would suggest. When you reach the age of 30, and if you STILL haven't had a relationship, then come back and ask us how to end it all.

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lifes short as is, why the hell would you want to make it shorter. Everyone life is horrible at some point, but it will get better. Just look at the brighter side of life. What about the poeple in iraq, and iran who definantly have it worse than any of us. At least you arent getting beaten, pillaged, and stripped of all your rights.

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