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We've been married for 4 years now,but the thing is there was no official proposal,it was sort of a mutual agreement. Well now for Valentines Day this year she says she wants an official proposal. I don't know if it's because of all these romance novels she's been reading over the years but it just doesn't feel right to me,I'm kind of a non traditional type.


So how do I go about this to quell her?

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Tell her that you think it is a little odd but you will go along with it.


Ask her if she wants to tell you when and where she will propose and if she is going to get down on one knee.


This made me laugh.


It means something to her. I can kind of understand it but I wouldn't make a big deal over it if I were her. More like a playful "oh, you never proposed to me. Let's do that for Vday" fun thing rather than a "I really want a proposal like god intended" sort of thing. Does she want a ring? Does she have a ring and want another one?


I think you should take her out to dinner (or whatever you had planned) and at the end of the night, propose to her. I wouldn't get down on one knee though...unless that's what she really wants. Just whisper in her ear. It'd be best if you took her dancing and said it to her during a slow song or something of that sort.


Eh...probably those romance novels she's been reading...

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