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I'm still screwed up, I guess.

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For the background you can check my previous posts. Quick rundown. Long term dating relationship (8 years), has had it's ups and downs, we are opposite in a lot of things, the SO says opposites attract, I was attracted to our roommate, I split up with the SO for a month or so to try and figure things out, we got back together and have been decent since.


At first it was the normal make up pattern lots of sex and the usual ass kissing. But it has been stale since, although I will give her credit she was being verbally abusive before and she quickly realized I would not tolerate that and she completely stopped.


So the confusing part starts again. A few days ago the SO says she thinks I'm attracted to the roommate by how I act. Then the other night the SO is in bed and I'm just relaxing on the couch watching tv with the roomie and I realize I'm more at peace sitting next to her watching tv than with my SO. It's almost like she completes me (if that makes sense). So now my feelings for her are coming back.


Everyone I talk to about my relationship with my SO not even including the roomie situation tells me it sounds like it's over. I guess just by judging how we act and what we do together.

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Oh my gosh, I can't imagine living with a girl that my boyfriend said he was attracted to and almost picked over me. That makes for a very awkward living situation! I would be totally jealous and competitive, too.


I have never told either my true feelings to avoid that exact situation.

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What a catastrophe. Empathy is one of those skills that most people develop over a lifetime. You have a long, long way to go. If you were capable of putting yourself in your girlfriend's shoes, you'd understand just how wrong this is, and on how many levels. And if you really cared at all about your girlfriend or your relationship, you would either move out and get a place with your GF, or else you would tell "the other" to leave.


Do you really want your love life to be the stuff of Jerry Springer? It's worth it to be classy.

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After reading your recent posts, I don't get how you can say that your happy in one sentence and then confused the next. You obviously have been happy with the SO and then when she said something about you being attracted to the roomie, your feelings come back. Sometimes girls get insecure when other females are around, what she said shouldn't push you toward the rommie, it should push you closer to the SO. Even though your relationship hasn't been perfect, whose is? I agree, with everyone else that you need to get out of that house or find a way to separate your feelngs.

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