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Long, looong story made very short...


I've known a guy since I was young, we used to go to the same school until the end of primary- then we caught up again in grade 9 and now a couple of years after I've finished.


We went for coffee and.. he asked me out to dinner. I said yes.. I like him, definitely, and he's a great guy.. but...


Well our first night he had to raincheck because of work, and so we had to reschedule. I was going to Sydney the next weekend so I said 'how about the weekend after' and he agreed.


What I didn't know is that weekend is February the 13th- and he's planned a fancy romantic dinner out, followed by a ride on the Eye (not the London eye, a cheap ripoff in my city XD) and... yeah.


Most girls would be like "OH WOW THAT'S AMAZING." but to tell you the truth.. I've been single- happily single and not looking- for the past 7 months since -I- broke up with my last boyfriend.


The thought of this night makes me physically ill. Literally about to throw up physically ill.


and.. ergh. I don't know. It all seems way too full on.. and it makes me incredibly uncomfortable.. and the fact that he won't let me pay for dinner? See when I said dinner out I meant a small dinner at the local restaurant, maybe dessert after.. not.. in the city followed by a romantic ferris wheel ride. Barf.


I know I sound like an ungrateful * * * * * and I SHOULD be excited and happy and everything but... oh god. I don't know.


Can anyone help? Should I go or bail? If I -do- go, should I insist to pay for my own meal or insist to skip the ferris wheel ride?? Should I just be honest and tell him what I'm feeling??


I don't know, I'm having alot of trouble with this thank you in advance guys!!


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First off, you "shouldn't" have to feel like your feelings are wrong. You just feel this way and that is that. Unfortunately your date falls on Valentines so he is covering his bases I think. I mean what if you were the type of person who expected some kind of big thing because of V day and he didn't deliver? He would feel bad. If you like him, try to accept that the date is more indicative of the time of year rather than that he has deep feelings for you that you're not ready for. Do you think you can reframe the date in your mind?

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That's a good point, I didn't think of it that way.. although I did say I'd prefer something small... and I think I can accept that, but I know he's liked me for awhile.. he asked me out in grade 9 but I said no because.. I didn't want a relationship yet XD;; I've always been a bit like that.


So I'm hoping this isn't reflective of a harboured.. hope for 'us' that has been building over the years...


I could try!! It isn't for another week so I'll get back to you whether it works or not thank you for your advice!!

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You might have a great time and decide that you maybe do like him more than you thought. Often times people come into our lives when we are not looking and we change our plan. Even if he is hoping it doesn't mean you have to react to it in any way that you're not comfortable with. To be honest he sounds like a nice guy and you have a date for V day. Not too shabby. Let us know how it goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It was awkward!!


We rode the ferris wheel and it was awkward, conversation was forced (on my end), he really... irked me. Like he was trying to impress me but trying too hard and it just made him sound... bad xP Sorry, I don't mean to be ultra negative but I just had a horrible time... and we really had nothing in common at all.


Then he introduced me to ALL his friends at the same time, we stopped at a party on the way home JUST for this. ._. it was so awkward.


I ended up telling him I wasn't looking for a relationship after I gave him a hug goodbye (and.. rejected him for the lean in kiss... I feel so awful.) and.... yeah. Bleh ._.

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