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i told him how i felt...i'm blocked

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oh dear,it seems you have been turned down....badly.it's more of a obvious reply than anything,he's blocked you and thats just not fair he could at least be nice about it but he's not he's ignoring you,im very sorry for how its turned out and u must feel awful..even humiliated,but you shouldnt worry,because hes showing you just how 'special' he is,he seems a total loser hun and my advice is to forget about it here and now he aint worth it and i hope u realise this,some guy out there IS worth a chance with you..too bad its some loser that cant be nice to save his life,you'll get through it just as long as you keep your head held high and itll blow over in no time x hope i helped?

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It's just I liked this guy for so long, and we were really good friends. Now I've gone and been so STUPID as to lose his friendship as well as anything else.

Yeha, I do feel humiliated, I feel stupid and idiotic and scared as well. I hope he won't tell anyone, but his sister is in my year, and he'll probably tell her and she'll tell everyone that I was rejected etc etc.

I feel awful.

Thanks for helping though.


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sum boy r jt rele dum n dunt no wut der missin n it sux 4 da 1 hu asked dem out. boys hu turn u down rnt ment 2 b so its best 2 TRY 2 get ova dem even tho sumtimes its RELE hard (trust me i no). its well meen 2 turn sum1 down da way he turned u down tho ppls harts dont heel dat easily. jt remember dis experience n NEVA turn sum1 down meenly even if u H8 der guts.

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No person deserves the treatment you got, and he really showed just what a "dreamboat" he was, with such a messed up response.


Also shows what kind of caliber he was as a friend... a good friend would have worked through it with you (if he wasn't interested) or gone out if he was, not acted like a jackass.


The saying "there are better fish in the sea" really applies to this situation.... I think a rock would be better than the rotten fish you stepped on.

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