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Feel like i'm waiting for something to happen

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As the title says... I just feel like i'm waiting for something but i'm not exactly sure what that is. I feel as though i'm just drifting a long at the moment and sometimes feel down about things.


It's been over 4 months since my ex split with me and it will be NC for a month on Sunday. NC has definitely helped me feel better and I've decided to just disappear from her and not initiate contact at all. So far I think I've done really well. Before I was in contact with her at least once every 2 weeks and that was only because of msn. I have blocked her from msn, blocked her on Facebook and removed all updates from her friends and family. I have no idea what she is doing! We're on really good terms, we never fell out not even when breaking up. She said it was because 'the spark had gone' plus uni (which some people will know from my previous posts).


I don't know exactly what my point is, i'm finding it hard to put it in to words. I guess this feeling will go when I meet someone, but I feel really pessimistic about meeting someone else. I do socialise quite a lot and have many different friends so I don't think thats the problem. I sometimes feel down about stuff and don't get pleasure out of things I like doing.


I was supposed to go out tonight though, but a mate let me down and didn't get back to me, that changed my whole mindset for the whole evening. I was in a really good mood before looking forward to it, had a good day at work and everything - was a really good laugh... Now i'm feeling down about things because this has happened.


It could be that I need a change I dunno. I have been looking for a new job for a while now because i've had enough of my current one, I think that could be some of the problem. Or maybe its simply because i'm not over her yet I do feel now though that I need to be with someone in order to be really happy, I never felt like this while I was with my ex. Sometimes before I met her i'd get the blues and feel like I wanted a girlfriend and when I met her this seemed to fix it. This isn't what it should be like I know... I should be happy one my own, but I feel like I won't be.


Anyway, I still don't really know what i'm getting at, has anyone else felt like this? Is it just because it's not been long enough (4 months).



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It has been 3 months for me and I feel like I am going through something similar. I feel like I am in a state of limbo. Almost, "Ok, what am i supposed to do next?". I know that there are many things I could be doing like getting a job, and moving out of my parents house, but I do not feel ready to make such major changes in my life right now. It's like I'm waiting and expecting something to happen... like to feel better... but I'm not. I feel like if I continue to give it more time, I may eventually feel better enough to move on and do these things, but right now I am just "waiting to feel better". Maybe I am still waiting for my ex. who the hell knows. I'm just stuck.


I went on 2 "dates" with this guy... it was an old friend and I would hesitate to call them dates. It felt good and I found him really attractive. that was a month ago and he has gotten flakey on me and I dont know what to make of it. Now I feel kinda rejected all over again. Not quite, because I doubt it would have turned into anything serious, but it still makes me feel crappy... Last night I started looking on dating sites but did not feel ready to make a profile or anything like that.


I personally feel like I need to still give myself a few months. I'm still grieving. I just feel like im at a standstill right now because i am starting to accept that my ex isnt coming back and i have to move on... but im not yet ready to take those steps to do so... and im just sitting here and waiting.

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When i Saw the title I immidiately saw myself. this is me for this pas week, waking up and going to bed waiting for something to happen. i know what i want.. and what i want is to get her back. next day after our breakup she sent me a text at night saying that she wants me to give her some time. I did. next day i just called and asked her what do you mean space? she siad nvm i was drunk that night.. now i am now with friends whom she didn't tell me at the time. I even asked her if she likes me .. she said no. after this 2 months literally living everyday with her.. she put it all behind. at the end of the conversation i asked her just tell me this one time. do you still love me? she said yes and hung up. after that i sent her a text saying during this time that I am giving you don't do nythingwith any guy .. this is all I am asking u, and tell me if you love me or miss me. No asnwer ever since. it has been a aweek since and everyday i drag myself through the day wanting it to end and the next day to come. i know how you feel brother. I can feel it right through every inch of my body.


It is tough.. very tough. When i met her i was at the peak of my life. My djing Hobby was going great.. I was making $800 cash every month cause of that.. School was ok. my other work was ok also. was getting a lot of attention from women. now i feel like I am nobody and i just want her back a couple days ago a friend of mine said she called him and asked him to check my facebook to see if had the guts to put my status to single.:sad: what did i do to deserve this kinda of treatment from her. I was nothing but good to her.. gave her the world.. took her to work.. picked her up in freezing cold here in canada every freakin night at 1 Pm. I do not deserve this.. i deserve better.

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Glad people know what I mean! Yeah thats the word... milkandhoney, I feel like i'm in limbo. I'm not exactly sure what I want at the moment.


I was out for my mates birthday about 2 months ago, got chatting to a girl and I asked for her number, I knew nothing was gonna happen but I felt so much better after that night. So much more confident, ok I was really drunk (not embarrassingly drunk, I knew what I was doing) and probably wouldnt have spoken to her if I was sober.


But that was ages ago, I was hoping that was a turn for the books. Nothing like that has happened since. Maybe I need to just give myself a few more months like you said.


I know nothing is going to happen with my ex 'at the moment'. I say at the moment because she is at uni (about an hour away). But who knows what will happen when she is back? Its three more years but never say never... We could both be single when she has finished. Don't get me wrong i'm not going to wait! I don't think you could completely rule out us giving it another go, we are on really good terms.

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I know exactly what you are talking about. I don't know really why I am going through it now but I am... Sometimes I think its because I am single right now... Its just like I need something to drive me....


Don't know what I am talking about

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  • 1 year later...

I feel the same way. I actually Google'd, "i feel as if i'm waiting for something" and this thread came up.


It's been about 4 months since the breakup (ex-fiance, 8 years, 5 years together, 3 years long distance[first 2 and last 1]), 1 and a half months of no-contact and I honestly feel as if I'm waiting for something each day. I have no idea what it is but I feel like I'm waiting for something. And everyday I get out of bed I feel as if it hasn't arrived.


I don't know what it is.


I'm pretty sure it's not her, I mean she left me and moved on, lives in another country with no intentions of coming back to America and despite being alone, I've moved on past our old relationship. But it still feels as if I'm waiting for something.


It's a hollow, empty feeling and it doesn't feel good. Limbo sounds about right. Feels like I'm going through the motions of life now.

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I now the feeling. Waiting for a change. Waiting for a call, text, email, something, anything. Waiting for things that aren't going to come. Nothing is going to come unless we take action. Sometimes life is work. Now is that time. We have to make ourselves.

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I'm the exact same way.. my gf dumped me and was seeing another guy within a week.. she said she wanted space, and I didn't do a very good job of it at first but now im doing better.. it sucks to sit here and think that she is out having a good time with another good guy and im just sitting here grieving over everything


why can't I have fun? I think meeting someone else will definitely make me feel better about myself but i don't necessarily have girls throwing themselves at me.. i think im a pretty attractive guy, a little overweight but i have a good personality.. it makes you feel like you can't really get anyone else.. I wait everyday for something to happen.. My phone always used to blow up from my gf.. now.. i dont get anything.. its tough


its hard for me to go out with friends because i just feel empty because my gf always hung out with me when i was with them.. sometimes i look for excuses to accidentally have contact with her, hoping she can see that she made a mistake

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I know guys.. guess what My last post about this topic was on "01-28-2010, 06:55 PM" here I am 10-07-2011 3:44 AM.. from another relationship this time i was the one who broke it off. it's still hard.. what i learned is that you should invest all these emotions and feelings in the right person. yes giving them space.. don't be jealous is all true but if they love you truly these are the things that can be coped with and are not deal breaker. I learned it the hard way and hoping this will be the last time that i feel this way.

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