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Jealousy Over Korean Girls


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OP, a lot of asians have certain prejudices toward white people, and a lot of them are actually intimidated by white people. I believe it's because in western culture it is more socially acceptable to be confrontational with people, to speak your mind, and to stand up for yourself. Asian culture teaches us to keep our mouths shut, and to not cause trouble.


So these girls might ignore you just because they are intimidated by you. Also, asian culture tends to be a lot more reserved than western culture. It is normal for people here to strike up conversations with strangers, to be outgoing and friendly. Asians tend to be 'clickey'. They don't talk to people they don't know.

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OP I think if these girls were ALL nice to you, you would still feel yourself being jealous, because this is something within you, the way they treat you just gives you the impression your justified in your feelings.


I find myself sometimes thinking the same way with my hubby he is iranian and I often imagine the iranian girls are better, or I sometimes feel left out when he is talking in farsi so I completely understand your feelings. I have also been known for dis-liking an iranian girl because of her friendship with my SO.


You have to just believe everything he tells you, you will never be like them, but that is good....he is with you because you are different from them. You are unique, and you a very beautiful to him. He chose you remember that.

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  • 3 years later...

Hey i came upon your post and kinda understand what you went through or still going through? So i remember i use to notice that alot when i was dating my ex(shes white btw). Whenever we went to the movies, parade & etc... we would get weird stares like we werent suppose to be dating or were martians from outer space from random especially from my fellow asians some i even knew others were probably bafoons. At first i kind of felt like the little kid in the movies where no one wanted to be around because hes caught the cooties from kissing a girl. But after awhile i got use to it & just told my ex these words "They cant stand to see others happy so every chance they get to shoot something hurtful its probably because they dont have the special bond we have for eachother". We broke up after a couple years but life goes on! Hope this helps you a little bit...But Just remember your a star and dont let anyone tell you your not or make you feel any less. Oh! and surround yourself with positive people because....positive people are contagious just like when a baby yawns you cant help it but smile & it makes you want to yawn also . Dont believe me go look pictures online -.-


До свидания!- she was russian

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