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A lie caused an 1 month break, not a break up

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Im in a Relationship of three years and I got my self in trouble by a lie. We are still in high school. Anyways, She use to be real jealous, so at the beginning, I find out that i have a female gym teacher and she mad a comment about this. So from the beginning of the year to now, ive been lying to her saying that i didnt have this teacher. She found out from a snitch girl. But she is really mad and upset that i lied everyday and she says things like "your not the guy I thought you were" and "I trusted you". She really mad so she wants to take a break to punish me, and it only last a month. Now in this relationship, we've had sex and everything and tok each others virginity. Im very close to her family, and she says she still loves me and she wont want anyone else. Something tells me that something will go wrong. I got this feeling like shes going to want someone else. She claims she doesnt lie to me and keeps things from me, but i know she does. Theres this thing she lies about now, and it bugs me. But what I wanna know is, do you think I should believe her when she says, ill still love you and we will be together in a month? I know she's trying to gain my trust back but, im really paranoid like she's not gonna want me. I keep callinh her for reassurance, and she says the same thing everytime. What should I Do?

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dude, i aint an expert or claim to be one, but i think you should just relax if she says your gonna be together then theres aint a reason to doubt her. try not calling for a while since your on a break just hang with the guys now don't go hitting on all the fine ladies when your with them. and in a month you should come together and talk about the break and what caused it. get everything off your and her chest. then you should be fine.


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I think this girl is making a big deal over nothing. Look at her reaction when she DID find out you had this teacher. And SO WHAT?? It's a teacher, she can't help if she's female! What's the big deal there? Were you planning on asking this teacher out? Were you two messing around in the cloakroom? If not, then I think your girl is over-reacting and needs to re-evaluate her priorities.


If she wants a break over this, and you know for a fact she's lied/is lying to you about something as well, then take the break, and decide if you want to be with HER. A relationship based on lies isn't very promising!



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I would stop calling her and give her some space. Allow her to miss you and think about what's happened. The worst thing you can do is pester her. The more you show you have your own life, the more she will find you attractive.


Maybe this break is a good thing. She might realise that her jealousy is a problem and that something needs to be done about it. And I guess you have learnt that there's no place in a relationship for lies. I understand that you did it with good intentions to protect her though, but then like someone else has said, what is a relationship based on lies? Even 'good' lies are still deceit.


Also I agree with Mar. If you know she is lying to you, and has a jealousy problem, you're the one who needs to decide if you want to be with her. If you're willing to go back to her despite the jealousy and lying then that shows her you're willing to put up with it. Anyway, why does she feel it's fit to punish you for your lie when she's lying about something herself?


Sorry, bit of a ramble, but I think you need use this break to take a step back and see the wood for the trees, not necessarily to end things with her of course, but to fix the problems and build a foundation for a better relationship.

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