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Was she putting on an act??

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My ex and I have been seperated for a few months. While we were together she told me she wasn't into drinking, smoking, drugs etc.... Although she did admit that she used to do those things before we met eachother(as did I) but had recently stopped a little bit before she met me and was clean. Heck, she didn't even use profanity while we were dating! She knew I didn't like those things. She was very respectful and kind. & now I'm hearing from some friends that she's smoking, drinking and doing drugs again. I'm so damn confused.... Because never in a million years could I imagine her doing those types of things. I recently went on her facebook page (like an idiot) and saw a picture of her smoking a cigarette. I know this sounds silly because it bothers me so much but I literally wanted to throw up when I saw that picture.


Was it all an act? Did she put up a front to make herself look better. I know I shouldn't care, but I'm still in love with this girl, and she's totally over me. It really bothers me. It really really bothers me even though it's no longer any of my business. I loved this girl with all my freaking heart... and finding out she was just pretending, that she's a two face.. Is killing me...

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The things is. She did or wanted to do all the three things while we were together (smoke,drink,drugs)


She drank with her friends while we were together and she she felt really bad about it.


She went out to a hookah bar with her friends, but that time she really didn't think it was a big deal, even though she knew how I felt about that kind of stuff.


Then she kept pressing me to do extacy with her.


Come to think of it, this girl is really just another little substance abuser... Jeeze, I was just keeping her from doing the things she wanted to do. She really exposed herself here...


I'm starting to get kind of angry instead of sad come to think of it.

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