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Cancel date due to flu?


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What are your thoughts on canceling a date due to being sick?


I asked this girl out to a movie on Monday for tonight. On Tuesday I came down with some type of cold/flu where I have a very sore throat and can hardly speak, a stuffed up nose, last night I had a slight fever.


As it turns out she phoned me on Tuesday asking me out for that night, but I couldn't do it because I was feeling like crap. I told her hopefully I should be feeling better by Thursday (today). Needless to say I am not feeling much better. I've been trying to find some combination of pills to make myself feel better without much luck. If I don't start feeling better tomorrow I am going to head to the doctors.


I want to know if I should/ could cancel this date tonight? I don't really want to go into something like that feeling like garbage. I am not going to have a good time. Thankfully it is a movie, so I wouldn't have to talk very much, if I do go.


This would be our second date, and she seems like a really cool person that I would like to get to know better. I just don't want to give the impression that I don't give a crap about her by canceling for a crappy reason.


I would like to give her as much notice as possible. So let me know your opinion(s). Thanks!

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i would call her - not text- but call her and let her know you are sick... i would also set up a date for next week when you are better - but set firm plans for next week so she knows you aren't just blowing her off.


i also say call not text so she can hear how stuffy you are ...


i had to cancel a date when i was sick last week ... and i made sure i called him so he knew i was sick and not just blowing him off.

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I would call her to let her know that you still do not feel that well and that you should postpone the date. I don't think I would be pissed if I know someone is sick and lets me know ahead of time. I don't think you want to go on a date if you are not feeling well because I did that once and I was miserable the whole time and just wanted to go to bed!!

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i would call her - not text- but call her and let her know you are sick... i would also set up a date for next week when you are better - but set firm plans for next week so she knows you aren't just blowing her off.


i also say call not text so she can hear how stuffy you are ...


i had to cancel a date when i was sick last week ... and i made sure i called him so he knew i was sick and not just blowing him off.


This seems like pretty sound advice, eh? And yeah - make sure and call and not text!



Hope you feel better soon!

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I would call her and give her options. Just say hey, I"m still feeling really awful and I need to either postpone to (insert new day here) or you could come over, we can order a pizza and you can rub my feet while we watch a movie!"


I totally agree with this. Good idea!! Let her decide. This way if she chooses to be around you she cant complain when she sees you with bloodshot eyes and a runny nose.

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I would hope someone would cancel on me if they were sick! Just keep in touch with her to reschedule afterwards so she doesn't feel it was a blow-off.


I was starting to feel really bad that I canceled on her this afternoon. I was starting to feel better. But at 7-8pm I was thanking my lucky stars that I did cancel. I wasn't feeling good whatsoever.


She sounded disappointed but understanding on the phone. I really didn't want to get her sick. So we re-scheduled for Monday when I phoned her. I hope I am feeling better by then! lol


Thanks everyone.

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