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Keeping track of food


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Swimming is good on joints. It's cold outside bbrrrrrrr..... !!! Not very inspiring.

The elliptical is also good for knees.


I used to skip breakfast also - but now I pack it and eat it at work at my desk. I'll just grab a cereal bar and a few fruits like a banana and clementines. I am hoping I will still be able to do that as manager. It's not like I'm expecting a nice classy quiet breakfast, 3 chomps and you are done!

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Can you swim?


Yes, I can swim, not well but I can. I have some fear of the water because I have almost drowned 3 times in my life so I can be a bit hesitant in the water. The first time I almost drown as a result of a tabogganing accident. My father took me too close to a pond to slide down some hills. Well I broke through the ice of the pond and almost drowned. The second time was in the Pacific ocean and the third time I had jumped into Lake Ontario to save my son.


That aside, the local pool has SO much chlorine in it the smell actually knocked me back a few paces when I went into the building. GACK.

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Swimming is good on joints. It's cold outside bbrrrrrrr..... !!! Not very inspiring.

The elliptical is also good for knees.


I used to skip breakfast also - but now I pack it and eat it at work at my desk. I'll just grab a cereal bar and a few fruits like a banana and clementines. I am hoping I will still be able to do that as manager. It's not like I'm expecting a nice classy quiet breakfast, 3 chomps and you are done!


Yeah I might do the elliptical or bike when this knee gets better. I am beginning to get real frustrated because I can do very little. I am pretty OCD about my house cleaning and it is driving me around the bend that I can do very little of it.

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OO I forgot the food part again. I really porked out yesterday.


I had the banana and tea

the small bowl of spaghetti

an egg sandwich

a chicken leg and broccoli and carrots and mashed potatoes

ssssh then later at night I had a bowl of oatmeal


Like I said, Lent is coming, I better eat now.

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I am definitely heading back to the gym starting tomorrow but only for upper body for now. That knee is getting better a little day by day. I think though I will retire from tread mill and do less stressful exercise for my knee but that provides just as much cardio. The dr suggested the bike.


I can not wait for Spring and Summer though. I am so tired of Winter I could puke.

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we had macd's for supper as well. Not sitting well.

Yeah it has never sat well with me either...ever since I had my gallbladder out 13 years ago, nothing really sits well with me unfortunately.They do not tell you that before the surgery though. Jerks.


Today is Ash Wednesday, so starts Lent and starts fasting. I will have liquids during the day and then have dinner at night at least for as long as I can take it.

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Well my husband only does normal average every day tea, his family is British. So that is mostly what we drink. I like all kinds though. I love Jasmine tea, and Irish Breakfast, and ginger tea and raspberry....all kinds really. Those kind I drink clear, but average ole tea I have with a tiny bit of milk cause other wise I find it rather bitter and I do not use sugar. My husband has 4 table spoons of sugar in his tea and he has like 10 cups a day.

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