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Keeping track of food


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I am trying UMA. I am trying to eat more, because I used to under eat. So I am really trying to eat more and exercise for better tone and strength. So far it is working. I have been spending about 5 hours a week in the gym. Phew. I have a really bad ACL though in my right knee which is KILLING me and my knee is swelling. So I am not sure if I can keep this pace. I only did half hour on the treadmill today and the rest was weights.

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It was eye popping pain yesterday. My eyes were actually twitching that is how bad the pain was. Today is bearable so I guess that is an improvement. I have increased mobility now that some muscles behind the knee are relaxing but it is still not fun that is for sure. I have to wait and see what my husband's insurance covers for physio.

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](*,)Well I am pretty annoyed that I can not keep up with my exercise right now. It is also hard to just sit around or sit in bed and I can not drive either because it is my driving leg. I would really like to thank the person who attacked me 31 years ago and destroyed my knee, thank you so very much, JERK. Now I get to suffer for the rest of my life with a ruined knee. Well Monday we can call the insurance coverage people and find out how much money we have for physio. I am getting tired of the pain. I had to have physio 4 years ago on my elbows from over use injury and tore all the ligaments in both elbows. I could not even feed myself or anything. Man I hate having cruddy joints. I am double jointed and my ligaments easily get too stretched or torn. Then there is arthritis. I want to avoid being crippled like my mother so I am trying to keep up my exercise.

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It could be that I am reducing the amount of pain medication and the way I slept. It usually feels a little better in the morning. Maybe I am reducing the pain medication too fast.



Yeah eating breakfast is a challenge for me. It is a 30 year habit to not eat breakfast and a 30 year relationship with mostly under eating with sporadic times of over eating. I am really trying hard to recover myself here. For me to have 3 meals a day is a miracle. I have lived off of one or 2 meals a day and sometimes none for most of my life. It is a long struggle.

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Well last night I used mostly heat on the muscles at the back of the knee and around it. They were seizing up badly. They are a little better this morning and so is my knee. Yesterday I tried to go grocery shopping or I was probably going to pull my hair out with what my husband came home with, so I went. HUGE mistake. The muscles were so tight and there was crunching and cracking and stabbing pains.

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My knee is a little better than yesterday morning which is good. I have been deep massaging the muscles and applying ice and heat, this seems to be working well. I only had to take pain medication once yesterday....wooohooo. Maybe I can go back to the gym to do upper body this weekend.


I forgot to add my food for a few days now I guess because I have been working on my knee. I will start again today. Next week is the start of Lent so I guess I better stuff all my food in now.

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