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Keeping track of food


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I hate to interfere, but are you sure you are not losing too much weight? You have many days where you are not even consuming 500 calories ... that is a severe starvation diet. I'm quite worried about you.


Hi Sophie


I guess maybe I am not looking at it in the calories way but more eating when I am hungry. Maybe try to increase the calories a little more each day? I am going out for lunch today with my dad.......that ought to be caloric heaven

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Hi Sophie


I guess maybe I am not looking at it in the calories way but more eating when I am hungry. Maybe try to increase the calories a little more each day? I am going out for lunch today with my dad.......that ought to be caloric heaven


Victoria, I want you to know I mean the following in a completely loving way:


I'm still really worried about you, and part of me doesn't really buy that you don't realize how little you're eating. For instance, you posted a few days back about wanting a grilled cheese but denying it to yourself - that sounds to me like someone worried about weight/calories. Once you get into the habit of eating so little, you don't really get hungry the same way, but you must have incredibly low energy. I went through a phase where I was eating the same as you, and every single errand, walk, getting out of bed felt so taxing.


I mean, you MUST know if you've lost weight based on how your clothes fit, what people say to you, how you look in the mirror. How little you are eating, the fact that you gave up lunch for Lent (regardless of the religious reasons), the fact that you do seem to deprive yourself of food you want, or feel guilty when you crave a "bad food" ... all of that makes me strongly worry that you have or are developing an eating disorder. I know this is a time of high stress in your life, and women in their 40s and 50s do quite frequently develop eating disorders in stressful periods. Obviously I do not know you in real life or know much about you at all, but based on this I would urge you to look at what you are doing, recognize that this is not healthy, and seek help.


I don't want to overstep, and I don't want to badger you, but I am worried.

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I thank you very much for being concerned about me and yes I realise it is with love.......I sent you a PM .


I got it (of course), but I wanted to reply something thoughtful and can't right now because of work craziness but I will reply eventually! (And thank you for taking the time to PM).

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The only fat thing was a big mac, and it's okay to treat yourself to something horribly bad for you every once in awhile.


I was craving one something terrible.......then there was the fact my inlaws bought me chocolates for Easter.Good God people........ chocolates are in the other room.

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