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Keeping track of food


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Hey Sophie,


I dunno, maybe it is I do not see it as so little food. I mean I really am full after eating what I do.


Maybe if people told me what they ate I would see the difference. My son eats way more than I do, but he is growing. I see what a lot of people eat and it honestly makes my stomach turn. Maybe tell me what you have? Am I really so abnormal?


Well, if you are at a healthy weight and have plenty of energy to get through the day, and feel strong and healthy, then it must be fine. I just read that you had lost a lot of weight, and I hope you don't go beyond a healthy weight!


I'm 22, so of course I probably have a faster metabolism, and I do try to exercise most days. But my typical day might be:


Breakfast: egg white omelet with veggies and cheese, a piece of toast, a latte OR a bagel/oatmeal/cereal, a piece of fruit and a latte

Snack: a banana

Lunch: a bowl of soup and a piece of bread OR a sandwich and a side salad, a square of chocolate

Snack: probably a piece of fruit and some nuts, or a yogurt, or another latte (

Dinner: usually meat, two different veggies, and rice or couscous or pasta or a starchy vegetable, like potato or sweet potato, and some fruit, and a square of chocolate.


That's a good day for me, on a bad day I'll have something more unhealthy for breakfast, like a muffin, or something fattier for dinner (oops).


Some of your days look normal to me, but a lot of them I feel like you're eating a meal and a half! Obviously you're a mature adult and I'm sure you know what works for you and what doesn't, so if you feel healthy and energetic and good then you're probably fine. I still think it's best to eat AT LEAST something every day, 3 times a day, even if you don't feel hungry. Just watch that you don't lose TOO much weight, you know?

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Yes, I understand what you are saying. I had some weight to lose though. I had gained some in the past few years. I was basically eating the wrong things, not necessarily more. I used to eat way too much startch in crackers in place of actual meals. That and the depression of a lot of things in my life added weight. Basically I took out a lot of the startch and fat and sugars. Maybe I do eat too little for a lot of people. When I was little I think my apetite was normal. After I was 13 I changed a lot. I do not know, maybe part of it is self punishment.


I am going to eat more in the next few days because Ash Wed is a day of fasting and I plan to only eat one meal per day the entire time of Lent as my sacrifce.

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Eating is so emotional for a lot of us - I mean, it's the place where we deal with a lot of issues, not just how we get fuel, you know? I do quite a bit of emotional eating myself. I still think it's best if you can get to a point where you have a reliable, regular appetite for healthy food. But I too try to only eat when I'm hungry, so I don't get into bad habits!


I understand about Lent, and I know the spirit of it, but I'm not sure you eating just one meal a day is a good idea. It just sounds really unhealthy. I would urge you to think of another sacrifice you can make that would be less damaging to your health. You talked about self-punishment - I'm worried that this would be too much self-flagellation or punishment, instead of the reminder of Jesus' time in the desert, and to resist temptation. I don't have very sophisticated religious explanations, but hopefully you know what I mean.

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I get what you are saying. For me food is a totally emotional issue. I guess it goes back into that past of abuse. So you see both ends of scale in me. Eat for comfort or do not eat I guess in a sense of punishment as well as the gastric issues that I have that literally physcially make me very sick if I eat the wrong things. I think that the physical illness has exacerbated the " do not eat" voice in my head. I know if I do eat the wrong things I am going to be sick. That will make me avoid eating.

As far as the religious issue I guess I am seeing Lent as an immitation of Christ, in his own fast of 40 days. In sacrifice you become closer to your friendship with the Divine. Obviously there is no way I could not not eat for 40 days as that is totally not realistic and I sincerely doubt I could even do that. I could conceivably do the one meal a day though as long as the food is nutritious and I have vitamins as well.

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That makes a lot of sense. It seems like you have a good understanding of your "triggers" and patterns, which is always a good thing. I completely understand the gastric issues - I've been lucky not to have any recurring problems, but when I feel sick to my stomach it's really hard to make myself eat because I HATE being sick to my stomach. So that makes a lot of sense. Eating for reward/punishment is pretty common I think, but of course it's not very healthy. Our bodies need food! I wonder if it could be useful for you to see a nutritionist a few times. I'm sure you have a good handle on what's good for your digestive system and what isn't, but he/she might be able to make you a meal plan, so you know how much you should be eating and don't feel like you are over-eating.


As for Lent, I totally understand what you are saying. I really admire how steadfast you are in your faith: you're definitely not one of the pick and choosers, or party on Saturday and repent on Sunday variety. I completely agree about the fellowship with Christ. But I think if you are underweight or at risk of aggravating digestive issues with that plan then it's still not a good idea - I guess I feel like if it makes you very ill you'll be too sick to reflect over what you're doing! But you're right, you can get adequate nutrition, and you could also promise yourself that if you start to lose too much weight or get very ill you'll eat more. One time for Lent I gave up my computer - that was a tough one!

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OMG.....I had nachos at a resturante yesterday. I like them and have them about twice a year. I ate about not even a quarter of the serving and I was sick as sick could get. I had to drive 2 hours after that and was just PRAYING I would not get sick either throwing up or diahrea. I was rolling all night and spent almost all morning in the bathroom this morning. I tried eating more the past 2 days and I am so sick it is unbelievable. I drove 3 hours home today and my stomach feels like it is on FIRE. I just literally can not eat in resturantes but it is so hard when traveling. Thank GOD it is Lent soon. My stomach just feels so god awful.

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I am sure a nutritionist would help. Maybe help me restart my metabolism at a different rate, cause really I eat a few bites of something and my stomach feels full and then I think "do I really have to finish this??!!" I HATE wasting food. There are so many hungry in the world and I hate to waste. I do have to eat at home though or someone else's homemade food. I can not seem to eat out because it makes me pretty sick and it is always far more than I can eat and that makes me feel bad.


As far as giving up my pc yeah that would be hard too. It would be like cutting off my arm.......lol. I might do that too though, it is what I have done if you do not see me till Easter. I doubt it though. I think I will increase my prayer time and inward reflection and my physical sacrifice. It is not that long after all.

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Ahhhhhhhh Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday) I think I am gonna have me some pancakes today!! My son hates them, so I will have them for lunch and he can have what he likes for supper.


Yummy pancakes.


Cup of tea

piece of wheat toast

mini wheats.

two pieces of cheese and 4 crackers

half tuna sub

........did not make the pancakes ohhhhhhh well

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Feb 17


could not eat today as I had a migraine all day that was beyond control and had me puking all day...........UGH.....feel like crap, but at least I have some control of the pain in my head and my stomach is not flipping.


2 pieces of wheat toast with peanut butter and raspberry jam

cup of tea

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Don't take this the wrong way, as I'm not trying to bash you for not eating a lot.

I think your stomach has just gotten used to eating so little, because you feel ill often enough - migraines, stomach issues etc... but when you feel ok and hungry you are fighting the urge to eat more. You are pretty much just keeping your stomach at a smaller size.


A typical "balanced" day for me to lose weight (aka when I am not indulging in fast food or desert etc...) which is healthy would be something like this:


Breakfast: 1 Hard broiled egg with fruits and 1/2 cup of oatmeal

Snack: Sugar snap peas and hummus

Lunch: A sandwich on whole grain - lotsa veggies and side salad or soup

Snack: Cheese and crackers

Supper: 1/2 cup of brown rice, veggies and chicken


This may seem like a lot for you, but it is little for me as I am used to eating much more. It's a menu where a typical woman would be able to lose weight.


I hope you take care of your body as you do need the vitamins and minerals - which are hard to absorb through a vitamin. I know it's hard to do with children, but sometimes you need to put mommy first. As they say, if mommy is happy and healthy then the family is happy and healthy.

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I think I am finally recovering from the what turned out to be one of those totally uncontrobale migraines for about 3 days. I am so tired and shell shocked even though I slept for almost 3 days straight. I am somewhat agast though I lost 7 pounds just sleeping...............

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I totally appreciate your post Mousty. What you listed sounds great! I like all those things.

I think too you are right. I only feel hungry when I am feeling well and because I am so used to eating little I am probably trying to keep it that way. Sometimes too it is a crap shoot as to what my stomach will accept. Usually stuff made at home is ok.

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March 2

small amount of cream of wheat

a huge bowl of mushrooms fried in olive oil........yum


glass of garden veg juice

I am stuffed to the gills but mushrooms are SO good for you and so yummy too.

slice of wheat toast with honey

table spoon of mashed potatoes

green beans

one bite of a sausage

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