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Keeping track of food


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Victoria you eat like a bird! Reading your journal makes me feel like I must be eating enough to feed a small village.


Good luck if you are on the weight loss path! I'm picturing you slim as an angel, though.


Now see to me, it looks like too much. I guess we all have different perceptions.


As long as the food stays on a healthy path all should be well.

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Now see to me, it looks like too much. I guess we all have different perceptions.


As long as the food stays on a healthy path all should be well.


Goodness, really?


Maybe it's just because I'm young and still have that metabolism going a bit more, and also try to get at least some exercise most days. Still, it seems to me that you'd be incredibly thin eating that way, unless you have some sort of metabolic or thyroid problem.


It's true though, healthy is the best, no matter what the quantities are! And eating healthily makes you crave healthy food, so once you start you get a nice virtuous circle of reinforcement going.

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I just really do not see the point in eating when I have no desire to, ya know? I also have IBS and do not like to irritate it. It was out of control for a number of years. This year too I was not eating every day because it was so out of control. I find if I eat small amounts every day I am pretty much ok. I have lost 40 pounds since the summer though. I could afford to lose that though. Before I was eating some of the wrong things and working at a job that terrorized my mind and body. I had gained weight from depression about losing my last baby. I am just trying to keep my body in a "non sick mode".

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I found this site link removed an awesome site to keep track of your food. You make a profile and it tells you how many calories your body needs depending on your age and weight and also depending on if you want to lose weight. I've been using it for months now. Keeps my eating under control and I'm sitting perfect at 120lbs.

One more thing, how do you survive off such little amount of food? I can't imagine how you can eat only 2 pieces of toast in one day. Your body is in starvation mode if you are only eating that little amount a day. How much do you weigh?

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I found this site link removed an awesome site to keep track of your food. You make a profile and it tells you how many calories your body needs depending on your age and weight and also depending on if you want to lose weight. I've been using it for months now. Keeps my eating under control and I'm sitting perfect at 120lbs.

One more thing, how do you survive off such little amount of food? I can't imagine how you can eat only 2 pieces of toast in one day. Your body is in starvation mode if you are only eating that little amount a day. How much do you weigh?


Well, I do eat more than toast.....lol. Yes, I have seen the calorie trackers and stuff. It is more so about keeping my IBS under control than it is about the actual calories. If I go slow in small amounts then I do not have my food coming out within 15 mins of eating it. If my IBS is really bad I do not even have my meal eaten before I am in the bathroom. It is a slow process to keeping all the food in to where I am getting the nutrients out of it.

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There are medications. My mother takes them. I want to see though if I can effectively control my own body without medication. The last 3 years have been immensely stressful for me particularily so that translates my body into doing a number on itself. Or rather me doing a number on it because I am stressed. I am doing better in that I at least eat every day. As long as I put nutritious stuff into it I am going to get something from that.

As for certain foods. Well high in fat and sugar really do a big number on me. Processed is really not good. That makes me sick too. As far as the anxiety which I am working on too that makes almost all food intolerable even though I really like food.

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According to the counter it was 840 calories for today.


I found this site link removed an awesome site to keep track of your food. You make a profile and it tells you how many calories your body needs depending on your age and weight and also depending on if you want to lose weight. I've been using it for months now. Keeps my eating under control and I'm sitting perfect at 120lbs.

One more thing, how do you survive off such little amount of food? I can't imagine how you can eat only 2 pieces of toast in one day. Your body is in starvation mode if you are only eating that little amount a day. How much do you weigh?

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I have found that eating small amounts of food has really helped my digestive issues too. I haven't been bloated in almost an entire month, and it's been amazing! I ate some kraft dinner today as kind of a test to see how I feel tomorrow-- pasta tends to be kind of hard on me, though bread and rice is generally okay. Because you are eating so few calories, you might want to consider vitamins.

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I have found that eating small amounts of food has really helped my digestive issues too. I haven't been bloated in almost an entire month, and it's been amazing! I ate some kraft dinner today as kind of a test to see how I feel tomorrow-- pasta tends to be kind of hard on me, though bread and rice is generally okay. Because you are eating so few calories, you might want to consider vitamins.


Yes, I take vitamins.

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