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Anyone believe in interpreting dreams?

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Since I've started getting myself out and about and mixing with people in order to generally feel better about my ex situation (we've been split for 7 months now my story is under the post Security Tennis) I've also started getting sober. I was hammering work really hard and getting home late, drinking and getting stoned in order to knock myself out and generally not think about what's in my head. Anyway, since then I've started to dream again. Most of these are quite trippy but then the one I had last night left me almost a bit disturbed and confused. I've started seeing a new girl on a very low key basis and my ex and I hadn't communicated to each other for about 2 weeks. So here is what I dreamt:


I'm in a crazy snow blizzard at a starting line of a race with a bunch of guys, my ex's new idiot bf is there too, my ex is stood in the middle of a round fence and we all start racing around it and have 10 laps to do, the blizzard is really crazy and everyone starts raciing really quickly, I go slower so that I can beat everyone at the end with a quicker pace. Anyway towards the end I start to take the lead but her new bf is keeping up with me, we run around and around and he looks like he's going to win. Knowing that this blizzard is really thick and no one will see, I cheat and cut accross the circle we are all running around and I win...theoretically. I'm then in our garden when we lived together, the blizzard is still going and I'm sat in the door of one of the sheds facing the other, she comes out and the interior is a bathroom (I dunno she's quite vain so that may explain that one). Anyway she sees me and desperatley tries not to look at me, I call her and she looks uncomfortable, I call her again louder but she still looks away, getting upset, I stand up and motion towards her at which point she runs in to the blizzard and is off.



This could mean something or nothing. I've been researching what's called nonlocal communication, it's when 2 people who think of each other alot subconsiously communicate in very very vague ways through mental energy, could be balls but then this morning on my way to work I get a txt from my ex asking how I am, bit weird since it's 2 weeks and I haven't heard anything of her and this was the first time I actually thought of her properlly.


Don't get me wrong I am cynical this has any real meaning, I dreamt of a wearwolf picking strawberries the night before for god's sake so it could mean nothing.


Anyway, I thought it would be fun for some of you to give me your take on the crazy stuff in my head and it does seem coincidental to hear from her directly after. I do love her deeply still but desperately trying to move on and find interest in others.

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WEIRD - i was thinking of posting a similar post the other day - i had a bunch of dreams about my ex...the weirdest was that we were walking together through a park, hand in hand, and really close - but only as friends...we bumped into her ex, and he looked kinda confused...then my ex pulled me away and started to run with me saying how we had to get away from her new guy..how she could not be around him and we must get away...we ran and ran for miles, but in a fun way...then we got really close and it just felt like everything had fallen back into place...i said something like "does this mean anything" and she said that it didn't, and that she still wanted to be with the new guy, but that she didn't know why she had to run with me like that to get away from him.


Then i woke up.


Dreams are weird. They def mean something in terms of reflecting events in your life - there is a form of mirroring there...not sure how it applies in this situation, but even so!!!

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This dream thing is interesting. My ex broke up with me about 6 weeks ago. In the first couple weeks I had one or two dreams of him, but they were nothing -- basically just seeing his face before me like a vision, and that was it, I would wake up. Then a few nights ago, I had a really bad time, sobbing and missing him so bad. I was praying too, that I would get some kind of contact from him or some kind of sign, anything. The usual stuff...


That night I had a dream about him, the first "real" dream since we broke up. In the dream, I was expecting him at my house for a pre-arranged meeting. We had not made plans for what we were going to do. He showed up on time, we were both dressed nicely, and I felt uncertain, and I thought, OK, now what? He took my hand, and said, 'We're going to go for a walk,' and he was smiling. I had a really good, nice, peaceful feeling about this. I remember in the dream just knowing that everything was going to work out OK with us. I woke up feeling great.


I am a total skeptic, and I will be the first to admit that this could have been my subconscious mind just trying to comfort myself. But I did think it was strange that in all those weeks, when I wanted to have dreams of him I didn't, and then that night after having such a terrible night and praying about it, I had this dream. I also have to add, I am not what you would normally call a "religious" person per se -- I mean I obviously believe in God, but I am not as "good" as I could be I suppose. It's just I had reached the end of my rope that night & didn't know what else to do besides beg God for some help, anything.


So, make of it what you will I guess. I still don't know what to think because I don't want to set myself up for a shock, but at the same time I did feel so much better that morning.

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I posted on this a couple months back...

For me I've never really dreamed about a girl I've liked until I met my ex, then I dreamed of her alot...


I know I was dreaming of her last night, but as I was at a Jimmy Buffett concert, I was a little drunked up and don't remember what they dream was about...


But if I remember, like singer, there have been nights where I'm at my wits end with all of it and thats seems to be when i have the most vivid dreams about her....

One dream, I will probably never forget...My ex and I were sitting somewhere, really there was nothing around us, just like a dark fog and we were staring into each others eyes for what seemed like forever, It was so peaceful and after a long time (it was really odd how long nothing happened, just staring) and then she smiled and said, "we'll still be together" and thats when I woke up...


Dreams have always interested me...where do they come from was my question in the thread I started...

I'll wonder if it was just my sub-consious saying what I wanted to hear, or if it's my sub-consious picking up on something that the consious can't pick up on...

Or is it the answer I've been asking God for...

The thing is people tell you that when you start thinking of your ex you need to push those thoughts out so you can start to move on...if thats true, why does our very own sub-consious sabatoge us from not thinking of them?

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I thought I might give you some definitions from my dream dictionary and see if that might help:


Blizzard Having a stormy dram gives you a safe opportunity to play out powerful emotions that may be too difficult or too dangerous to express in real life."


Sorry, can't find anymore, stupid book. Any wayz, I think it is so cool that you are trying communicating this way. I have tried it myself, to no avail. I first read about it in a book. Somthing dabbed"transcendentalance". Something like that. Have you heard of this?


Good luck

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I should get one of those dream dictionaries...

I'm thinking that in reality our dreams are simply our sub-consious finding a way to express those emotions and thoughts that it can't express in any other way...

I just hate to get hope from something that could be nothing more than our sub-consious telling us what we want to hear...

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"The belief that there is an aspect of reality that is higher than, or transcends, our everyday life and world."


"A belief that spiritual feelings and the process of thought is the key to gaining true knowledge."


Interesting. I am about to go to sleep now...kinda sad but i actually enjoy having these weird dreams about my ex...it gives me that contact that i just don't get in reality!!


On a different note, have you ever been with a close friend of the opposite sex, and acted 'couply' just to see how someone would react? I did that tonight, and it has screwed me up because it made me miss my ex like crazy!!!!



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Okay, what the hell does this mean? probably nothing,

but I had a long dream where me and my ex were at a buddies place and just hanging out with friends holding each other and laughing having a great time...I had it right before I woke up, and I think for the first time after having a dream like that I woke up and smiled instead of letting it get me down...huh...

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Okay so last night, I had a nice dream of her...but then I had a long nightmare, woke up and my buddies dog who i'm watching for the weekend is licking me...well anyways, I get back to sleep and I have a dream about her...all it is is that she's telling me she's engaged...I woke up feeling almost sick...

I like my good dreams, at least I'm happy for a little while

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I've VERY interested in dreams. . . I have no idea how much can be gained from them (do they predict the future? express subconscious desires? allow us to communicate with others? send messages from God?) but I love hearing others' dreams and trying to analyze them and my own.


My last dream about the ex was a few nights ago. We were spending the night in someone else's house, but it was a huge house -- like a convention center. We spent the night in the same bed, and I remember thinking how wonderful it was to be back together. The next morning we packed up to leave, but once we were almost out of the house, we realized we'd left something in the bedroom. So I ran back to get it. Then I found my ex again, but we realized we'd left something else. Again, I ran back to get it. This kept happening. . . soon I realized that the owners of the house would be back soon, and we weren't supposed to be there when they returned. I started to get more and more frantic, running back and forth with the things we'd forgotten. Eventually, I got so panicked that I couldn't find the bedroom or my ex anywhere, and I was left running by myself throughout the house, looking for them.


That one seems pretty easy to interpret, really. . . I think it says a lot about me feeling like I'm searching, frantically, for something that will give closure to this break-up and allow me and my ex to be together. But I can't find it, although I feel growing pressure to find it soon.

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i very much so believe dreams are our subconscious speaking to us. i am big into dreamer interpretation & i found a fun easy websyte to analyze dreams link removed it has a dream dictionary & is very easy to understand. hehehe well MY interpretation of your dream is as follows: (i havent read any replies mind you)


i feel that you feel you are in immediate competition for your ex along with every other male in the world including the new dude. at the start of the race you all have equal possibilities of winning (your ex's heart). and begin the race in a rush except for you, you are thinkin of ways where you have more of an advantage & decide to 'cheat' in order to outrace -good ol' whats his nutz- lol & beat him in the long run. the blizzard is probably a symbol of your brain. squals of sporatic thoughts surrounding you & youre caught up in the middle of this mess & dont know where to go. you cant see anything other than the finish line.


the garden represents tranquiltiy & life. you want to continue to reside in this beautiful nature but you know the situation is otherwise hencing why is storming in a garden. her beng startled when you call her shows uneasiness maybe she is unsure of what she really wants right now & figures she has a new guy now she has to focus on & tries to do so by blocking you out. whether or not deep down she really wants to. realizing its jus easier to run away, she is now lost in your thoughts by disappearing into the "blizzard".


iva had numerous dreams some i even woke up to actually acting them out. (i dreamed a giant yellow & black spider was stretched accross my face & i woke up turned the lights on & started scratching at my face) i cut myself in the process b/c i have long nails. and other dreams i have w/ my ex we are together holding hands, jus doin things as a couple. its obvious what theyre about.


and one i had of me & my ex sittin on my couch & hes appologizing for breakin up w/ me as my mom walks and & says you better not hurt her again. and he said "i wont i promise" so we start talkin and he asks me back out as his GF & i kiss him to confirm my decision & then he says afterwards "does the fact that i hooked up with someone alter your decision?" and i jus fell apart but ultimatly i forgave him. he even said her name. it was Rose Devryes or sumthing like that...i dunno who the hell that is lol!! he doesnt even know a Rose so watever. anyway i forgive him & i go to his apartment. he was living with 5 girls!!! lol and i knock on the door hes wearing his favorite grey tshirt & i say 'hey i heard one of your roomates is sick lets go to the store & get her a getwell card.' he said no its raining out im gonna staying home. so i called him a p*$$y & left. it was pouring rain out & was late at night....



prolly not much to breakdown probably just a few paranoias sneaking out & into my sunconscience. now i jus have nice dreams of him with us hangin out & havin a good time. holding hands etc...


yea everytime i used to dream of him wen we first broke up i usually wake up middle of the night crying...ironically at like 3-3:30 am everynite.



now it jus makes my mornings sad. but then again ppl say u dream about what u last think about before going to sleep...which i can say is true on my behalf. my ex told me he has dreams about me but he only told me about the sex dreams. lol



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