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Going out and having a talk


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There is this girl that I have known for about 5 weeks and we have been out on 2 one on one dates and have hung our with a group many times. We text or talk to each other almost every day since we met (the longest we've gone with out talking is 2 or 3 days) and seem to have a lot in common. Although I just got out of a 3 year relationship about 2 months ago.


What bugs me is that she has not really shown a lot of interest when we are together. Her friends will come up to me and say that she really likes me but she is scared, and to give her time. If her friends were not telling me this then I would have already assumed that she was not interested and just given up. They also tell me that she is shy, that she is afraid that she is the rebound girl, and that we just need to sit down and have a talk about all this. Also this girl has not been in a relationship in 4 years and has not dated much since then because she got hurt and is "picky."


Yesterday she asks me if I want to hang out with her this Wed and I agree. I think this is when I am going to talk to her about everything and tell her how I feel. I plan on telling her that I really like her, and assure her that she is not the rebound girl. That even though I am single I only date one girl at a time and I just want to see if there is a future with us.


Does this sound good?


Also how long does it take till a girl is not considered a rebound anymore? My ex and I have been broken up for 2 months.


Do you'll have any other advice on the situation or on what I should say or do?

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