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Silent Man

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being loved was never a problem,

he was cared for his since the day he was born,

he was never alone,

but how he was lonely,

he could not carry on.


life had set in and he wasnt ready,

unprepared for the trials and heartache,

it was too much to handle the future looked dim,

he couldnt stand the life that was his.


a great man once said

"if i die tomorrow

id be alright because i believe

that after were gone

the spirit carries on"


he cherished those words but soon realized

that the pain is reserved for those left behind

he hated this thought cause now he could see

how his loved ones would suffer if he were to leave


so he made up his mind to spare them the pain

sacrificing his own sanity

he would weather the storm at least for today

in hope of a better tomorrow


if the day ever comes when the pain is no more

and hes finally at peace with himself

it will all be over but then he would see

how his loved ones would suffer if he were to leave

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  • 2 weeks later...

I enjoyed it. I mean...if you go to the suicide forum a lot of people say they have nothing to live for. They need to read that...because even though we think our loved ones don't care...deep down they do. They might yell, scream, and curse but they do. I wish everyone would read this..it'll help you out I know that much. Thanks for sharing it with us. It was really good.



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I enjoyed it. I mean...if you go to the suicide forum a lot of people say they have nothing to live for. They need to read that...


Yea that's what I thought so I posted it in the 'Suicide Forum', Got deleted for double posting


And thanks everyone for the comments. I have a few more I may post.

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