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I'm emotionally retarded

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Hey, I've been dating this girl for approximately a year and a half now, and it's been some really rough going once in a while but we always pulled through.


We broke up for 3 weeks recently and now she's told me she cares for me but isn't in love with me anymore.

The way she talks to me makes it seem as though I'm the worst person she's ever encountered.

The thing is, I really want to make things work, but I keep screwing up, and when I'm sorry for doing something I didn't know would hurt her, she says I don't show I'm sorry.


I'm afraid I've hit a dead end, I'm convinced she'd be happier without me and she won't tell me why she hasn't dumped me and moved on yet.


Can anyone tell me how I can make things better again? I really love this girl but it feels like I'm just not capable of making her happy.

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Dude the way i see it is that you can either bring her out for coffee and explain how you feel to her and that you want to work with her so that the relationship can work. if you really want it to work you'll have to open up to her, show her you want it to work.

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If she wants to move on, I would say do the same. If you keep on insisting, you'll sound clingy and desperate, which will turn her off even more.


When she gets insulting and gives you a very dark picture about yourself, she gives you a clear sign that she wants space. Go against that and you are in for an even deeper conflict and more disapointment.


respect her wish.


There is a golden rule in the dating scene: respect a "no, thank you!" if you don't you'll be labelled space invader.


Move on and focus on dating other girls


Good luck



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Thing is, we've been dating for a year and a half, and even though things are rough, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to break up.


I just keep thinking she isn't dumping me because she's just scared of being single, but there's all sorts of guys always contantly after her and just during the 3 week we were broken up she could've gotten all the men she wanted. One even asked if she wanted to fool around with him no strings attached. And now that guy calls her up to 5 times a day.


I hope I'm painting a clear picture. I'm not saying I'm a pathetic wretch who's life is this girl and that I'll die without her, but I want her to be happy and I'm not doing that, so can anyone guess why she hasn't dumped me yet?

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Why do you want to know why she hasn't dumped you?! If you want to be with her, be happy she hasn't dumped you and if you don't want her then just move on! The reasons she hasn't dumped you might be that she actually likes you or thinks you are the best on offer right now, either way it doesn't really matter, just make up your mind what you want.


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A part of her is still attached to the cluster of energy and memories you two share.


Even when you want to break away from someone, it can still take some time to break through habits and actually do it.


It's true she might simply be afraid of ending alone. And yes, you are at this stage still offering her a confort zone in which she can fall back.


Good luck



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