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Spontaneous Date


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Have you ever had a totally unexpected, out of the blue date before? I had one yesterday!


A couple friends and I were at a karaoke bar and we were sitting at a table having a couple of drinks. This girl walks into the bar by herself and sits down a few tables down. We make eye contact and I didn't think much of it. A couple minutes later she comes over and sits right next to me. So we started talking about various things for about 30 minutes, sang a song together. I offered her a drink but she wasn't drinking that night. As we are leaving the bar I got her number and tentatively told her to see her there next week.


My friends, her and I were leaving and we were headed to the pizza place down the road and I asked if she would like to join us. She told me why don't her and I go to the restaurant the opposite way. I said sure and my friends left for the pizza place. At the restaurant her and I talked about the traditional date topics. Turned out her boss is a neighbour of mine at the cottage. He is a character, so we managed to talk about that for a little bit. If I have a gf, her having a bf. Stuff like that. That lasted for another 60-70 min. I walked her home, which was only two minutes away. We hugged each other and she said I better phone her, and I said I definitely would.


As I turn around not 30 seconds later my friends were walking home from the pizza place and I met back up with them.


Awesome night!


Anyone experience a spontaneous date like that? I haven't been on too many dates before, so that was definitely a a first for me.

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haha sns, on your way to meeting your goals for the year already, nice!


If you mean by spontaneous you mean at that moment then yes I've had one. Just one, but it was my first ever date lol. It wasn't fully spontaneous though in the sense I was interested her, but didn't expect to get anywhere or have something that night.

(not that it went anywhere after the "date")

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