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He hasnt contacted for about 3 days?


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Ok little backstory:


There is a guy i know who has been a mutual friend of my old friends. Weve hung out with our friends every once in a while over a years time. He showed interest in me in the summer, when i had a boyfriend. When boyfriend and i broke up, new guy texted me alot, saying we should hang, acting a little interested etc.


We didnt end up hanging out until this past saturday mainly because of our crazy schedules. We hung out with a couple of his friends, and one of mine. At this point i should probably mention that i DO NOT want a boyfriend, and he does not want a girlfriend. Weve talked about this before.


That night, he asked to hang out again. We hung out again just the two of us a couple days ago. We went out to grab something to eat, and unfortuneately ran into my FAMILY of all people. Little weird to be honest, maybe a little much for him ha! Everything after was pretty good, i thought maybe it was gunna lead to something, but all that happened was some cuddling/touching, and we held hands breifly...but im very shy/reserved at first with guys, and sometimes come off as not interested.


Ok so, he hasnt talked to me since that night. Any ideas as to why? Im thinking its either cause of the parents thing, or that i didnt seem interested...or that he's just not that interested in being casual with me. Either way its fine by me, i dont like him in a way that would be serious, i just enjoy his company. How should i proceed?

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You just enjoy his company but you're slightly freaking out that he hasn't contacted you after you cuddled and held hands? Are you sure?


In any case, it might be that he is busy, maybe going out with other friends or simply hanging out by himself. It could be a lot of things. Just let him be for a while. Then if you're still desperately confused, text him and ask how things are or to hang out. If you truly just enjoy his company and you're friends, there is nothing weird about contacting him. I don't know why you would expect him to do all the work. Moreover, if this isn't even on the casual level, and he doesn't contact you again, then you didn't lose much, especially if you claim you're fine about it.


I'd say stop worrying about why. Text him if you are truly so curious. Otherwise, just let things run their course.

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How do you know? At least I am saying that one can't be sure, especially if he showed a lot of interest before. It helps to see the glass half full instead of half empty sometimes.


Why does it always have to be the guy making the move, anyhow? It's not below a woman to take initiative once in a while. Maybe that's what he would like since he was the one showing the most interest.


Look, OP, if you're confused and worried about this, just text him. It's the only way to know what's going on. If he's not interested, then fine! Move on. If he is, then great. Plus, if you're fine either way, there's nothing to lose.

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To me casual means contact when you feel like it. If he doesn't feel like it, then he won't. Do you expect him to contact you daily? I think you need to clarify your own expectations because then you can just contact him on your own and pursue whatever you want (especially if it's not a relationship).

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