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cashiers who flirt


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personally, I'd rather be flat out rejected than led on or lied to


the right woman won't reject you - so every time you're rejected, you're one step closer to finding the right one (yeah, I'm rationalizing)


Most of the time when someone would reject you arent they lying ? They are gonna give you some lame reason like "i'm taken" No one ever comes out and says your not my type.

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you know what's weird - at one point, this woman actually told me I was her type - lol


(maybe she was lying to get attention)


I've had girls say i'm cute without me asking but they wont date me. So for all i know they could have been playing a game.

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yeah - and she never once mentioned a boyfriend before


I strongly get the feeling there's more to the story than what she's letting on, but whatever, I was rejected. It's cool. There are more women out there to meet. The ''sort of'' has a boyfriend comment is very telling.I am not sure you should give up on her so quickly.I think her actions expressed an interest.Is there anywhere else you could see her so it would be easier to talk to her?Or perhaps go back in a few weeks.[if you haven't move on to another interest]

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Well when it comes to relationship dating and all that i would say yes, that what i meant the whole rejaction thing. I dont see how someone getting shut down can be good. Only person who would be have is the one doing the rejecting that way they told that person that there is no chance and they can stop hopping.


Thats being needy, and having your ego hurt. Both of which are unattractive.

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This talk about the boss/employer/boyfriend is kinda weird and a little far-fetched (given how speculative a lot of the evidence is). But yes it's fun speculating haha.


Are you quoting her when she said "sort of"? A lot of people say "sort of" when it's a little awkward, which it will be when rejecting someone.


But good on you. The way she walked up to you and stuff I also would've thought "wow is this a chance?". Well done (wait you aren't going to go back there again?)

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wait you aren't going to go back there again?


her boss owns the place, so if I do go back, any money I spend goes into his pocket - I don't really want to line this guy's pockets


there are things they sell I cannot get elsewhere though - so I may have to go back at some point

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I think you should go walk in there make some quick small talk and then ask her out to go get coffee or something after work. If she is busy get her number at least!


Find out for sure, I wouldn't let it slip unless i was 100% sure I was rejected.

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To OP:


One of the most major breakthroughs I ever had was learning that if a woman turned me down or had a boyfriend or whatever was this:


The beauty of being rejected is that the universe does not even notice. You wake up the next day and your breakfast tastes the same, you pet your dog and your dog's the same, the people at work are the same, your friends are the same. It's not like every other human in the world suddenly knows that one girl rejected you. It doesn't make you any less of a man.


People, even my friends, don't really understand me when I try to explain it to them. I just don't put anyone on a pedestal. I've been around women enough to know that every last one of them does at least one thing that annoys me. It sounds mean but it's true. So I bust on them and mess with them and if I decide we're capable of tolerating each other and THEY'RE SINGLE (that last part hasn't been happening much here lately, but meh) then I ask them out and we see what happens.

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I needed to pick up some stuff today, so I went to the store, it's the only place in town to buy certain items. Well, she was there, and she pretended as though she had no idea who I was. It was quite the performance. It was so crazy weird. Her boss was there as well, up front where she was, and when he saw me, he tailed it to the back of the store. Complete avoidance of me.


I'm thinking I dodged a bullet here, because this woman clearly has some issues.


*insert twilight zone music here*


I am officially letting this one go!

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I needed to pick up some stuff today, so I went to the store, it's the only place in town to buy certain items. Well, she was there, and she pretended as though she had no idea who I was. It was quite the performance. It was so crazy weird. Her boss was there as well, up front where she was, and when he saw me, he tailed it to the back of the store. Complete avoidance of me.


I'm thinking I dodged a bullet here, because this woman clearly has some issues.


*insert twilight zone music here*


I am officially letting this one go!


You're a better man than I am. If I'd witnessed that, I don't think I'd be able to resist going into the store every day for the next month just to entertain myself.

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I think if the boss is there she'd be under pressure to treat you like anyone else. Next time you can at least ask about it like "geez from last time your boss really has you tied down to not even say Hi to me" (oh whatever). Not to try and get anywhere with her, but just to see what the truth is I guess.

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