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would u be upset if your bf or gf did this?


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ok, so this sunday a couple who i am friends with invited me and my new bf to brunch on sunday. It is a ritual we have but they have asked me tobring him along so they can meet him...


my boyfriend txt me asking if we could reschedule the brunch to a late lunch (which we couldnt), he asked if i would be upset by him rescheduling and if our planned meet n greet was v important to me...i txt back saying i trusted that he wouldnt ask to reschedule if it wasnt something important that had come up for him and so it was fine, he then rang me and told me he has been offered to play golf first thing sunday at a very elite club, including buggies the works and all for free!!

he called me as he wasnt sure if 'golf' was important or not...even tho he really badly wanted to go..


would you guys be upset with him?


i said it was ok as brunch wasnt fully set in absolute concrete yet and he was only asking because it was a one off offer and something he never would get to do otherwise....and brunch we can do anytime...


but i wonder, should i be upset by this? is it a really not cool thing to have done by him?

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I wouldn't have a problem with this. Firstly he is considering your feelings before he made a choice to accept the golf offer (this also means if you tell him it's ok that he can go, you have to mean it. You can't be angry later with him for his choice), secondly you said the golf thing is an opportunity he won't get so soon again, whereas brunch with your friends is a regular thing.

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i said it was ok as brunch wasnt fully set in absolute concrete yet and he was only asking because it was a one off offer and something he never would get to do otherwise....and brunch we can do anytime...


but i wonder, should i be upset by this? is it a really not cool thing to have done by him?


^It seems like you have your answer.


He let you know ahead of time and didn't just not show up. And it IS something that can be rescheduled.


Part of a relationship is compromise. Well a big part, I think.


I'd put this past you two. Im sure he'll think you're awesome for having done so.

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