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How can I get (and keep) his attention?


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Hi everyone. I've liked this guy, from a distance, for a few months. I was originally attracted to him physically- I hadn't actually talked to him since last year in a class we shared, and even then it wasn't much because we don't have the same group of friends. But even so, back then he talked to me in the hallway (falling in step with me behind his friends) asking "hey, aren't you in my biology class? but you weren't there this morning..". In the bio class he asked if I was on the girls soccer team and no, I wasn't involved in any sports. One other time in line to sign into an activity he jokingly stole my place in line but gave it back. So those were really short conversations. Six months ago at a costume dance I was really dressed up and he looked at me and went, "Whoa, fancy". Anyway! This was all before I really liked him. I have no classes with him anymore so lately I've been trying to come up with an excuse to talk to him, which is hard since a)no common classes, b)no common close friends and c)I'm shy. But last night I went to see the school play which he was in and was amazing, so I got up the guts to tell him he was really good. He was nice, smiling and said thanks. But I need to keep talking to him so that he remembers me, you know? I would love to get to know him better, and there's only a month and a half left til we graduate. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do? Thanks so much for reading this long thing!!

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Is he in alot of plays? Maybe find a way of being in the same play and if you're too shy to be on stage find out if you can help with costumes, lighting... stuff like that. You could help him rehearse his lines. Find out what his interests are. Do you know anyone that could tell you what he likes? Good luck!


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Thanks so much Starkitty. I actually do share a few interests with him, but I don't know how to bring it up and I don't really know if it's enough to go on. The thing is we are both graduating in less than two months so there won't be another play, but there will be other school events. It's better when I can get him alone, but most of the time he's surrounded by friends. I've been in this kind of situation a few times, but never took any action. I really want to make the effort this time, because I really really like him and I just have to try and make it work.

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It seems to me from what's been exachanged between you two, that you're on speaking terms. Even things such as saying hi in the halls makes a difference. Or just randomly start talking to him, asking stuff about plays or whatever interests you two share. But I like the suggested idea about trying to get into the same play as him. Techie performance jobs are for us, the shy people

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As a guy myself he's interested very well may be interested. He remembers you and jokes with you and is seemingly nice. I'd just ask him if he wants to go out. And just so you know. you may be shy but as far as i know NO guy would turn down a woman because she's shy. Just ask him. Before it's too late and you regret it. I'm shy myself and know how you feel.

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Thanks Stratotiatus and Daeralic- I'm starting to feel more confident about it. I've never asked a guy out before so it will be tough, but I'm going to try talking to him a bit more first. I actually think I'm more afraid of being ridiculed by his friends if the story gets out than I am of being rejected by him. But then, high school will be over in a month, and I might not see these people ever again so it shouldn't matter what I do now. I thought of one way to do it- maybe I could talk to him a bit more over the next month, and then take him aside at the prom and casually ask him if he wants to go out (assuming he's not at prom with a date of course). I'm thinking of prom because by then exams will be over and it'll be the last time everyone from school will see each other (so if he says no, I won't have to face him or his friends again, and if he says yes, we have the summer). What do you all think of this "plan"? Good, or recipe for disaster?

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Ok, well something significant has changed since my last post. One of my friends told him that I like him. He couldn't remember who I was so she described me to him... she said he was really curious. That was yesterday. Today we saw him around a couple times but didn't talk to him, he was distracted by his friends and I'm not sure if he's figured out that it's me yet. I'm not too upset that she told him because now at least I have a reason to talk to him... I don't know how well it'll go though. I'll find out on Tuesday at school if I get the chance to talk to him. I'm thinking I should just be really casual and maybe joke about it, what do you think? I've never been in this situation before, with a guy knowing I like him without him really knowing or liking me yet, so any advice would be such a big help!! Thanks.... oh my, the more I think about this the more nervous I get.. please help!

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