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Right Love, Wrong Time - Inspirational Stories


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Does anyone have any inspirational stories they will share about two lovers who met at the wrong time, parted ways, and then met up down the road when the timing was better?


I met someone who I thought was really special. We were only together for a week, but we had a connection (or so I thought) like I've never felt with anyone before (and I've done my share of dating and relationships). After the first week, he told me that he had just broken up with his girlfriend of two years a couple of days before we met, and that he didn't know what was going to happen with that relationship (e.g., whether or not they were going to try to work things out). He also told me that he really liked me and felt like we just clicked and that he wanted to continue to get to know me, but to be fair he had to tell me his situation. He apologized for not telling me sooner.


I was heartbroken, and as much as I wanted to continue to see him, I told him that I didn't want to be in the middle of the situation with his ex and that if he's ever available to look me up. It was so hard to walk away, but I think I did the right thing. I hope I did at least. And I hope that if he felt the kind of connection with me that I did with him, that he'll be back someday if and when he's available.


I'm so sad.



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These situations are so painful. Part of me wants to hold on to hope, another part of me wants to let go and not fool myself, and yet another part of me questions whether I'm just imagining that he felt something for me. It just seemed so real.


I'm not putting my life on hold waiting for him, but something tells me it's going to be a while before I get him off my mind.

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These situations are so painful. Part of me wants to hold on to hope, another part of me wants to let go and not fool myself, and yet another part of me questions whether I'm just imagining that he felt something for me. It just seemed so real.


I'm not putting my life on hold waiting for him, but something tells me it's going to be a while before I get him off my mind.


I'm in the same boat. But just because we let [try] to let go of them and realize we can't wait on them, doesn't mean we give up hope or shut that door completely.


I haven't at least.


Hearing inspirational stories always confuses me sometimes. I really believe in my heart that my ex and I are soulmates... we are just both young and he isn't ready to settle down and you can't fault someone for that.


I don't know anyone who is still with their high school sweethearts though...

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Back when I was around your age, I began dating my former best friend. He was 19 and I was 20. We dated for a couple years, broke up for a year, got back together, broke up again, and so on over an 9-year period. At one point, we even got engaged. At a different point I was engaged to someone else, but ended it for various reasons. Ultimately, the relationship didn't work out, and it's definitely over now (and I'm glad), but I never could have predicted that we would have gotten back together any of the many times we did. Also, I let him go when he wanted to go, and I never chased him. I tried to moved on with my life.


Initially, I believe our problem was that we started dating at such a young age; however, ultimately, we were not right for each other on many levels. Unfortunately, it took many years of heartache for me to figure that out.


That's all in the distant past now and I could care less about it, but I wanted to point out that life is pretty unpredictable sometimes.


I agree with you that trying to let go doesn't mean giving up hope. I suppose I never give up hope when it comes to something important to me; I do, however, try to keep moving forward.

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Now that I think about it, I have one of the most inspirational stories ever to share regarding timing.


My cousin (who I am very close to), Sally, met a wonderful man, Jacob, over 20 years ago, when she was 14 and he was 26. They became great friends and fell in love, but both recognized that the age difference, at that time, was too great. Eventually, they lost touch.


Over the next 20 years, Jacob got married, divorced, and then engaged. Sally had had 4 kids with 3 different men (none of whom she married and all of whom were abusive). Then, one day, out of nowhere, Sally receives a call from Jacob who is engaged. He wants to see her. To make a long story short, they meet, he breaks off his engagement, they become engaged six months later, and have now been very happily married for over 4 years. Clearly, they were meant to be.


Now there's a love story for you, and one I'll keep in mind next time I'm feeling down.



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My love and I actually first met on a message board that deals with 'lost loves' (we'd both had ex's that reappeared - hers after 18 years, mine after 23). That board was overflowing with stories of people anywhere from their 40's to their 70's dealing with either wanting the high school/college sweetheart back or them suddenly reappearing. Ah, the wonders of the internet. Granted, those stories didn't always end well, but some did.


My own sister has been married to her current husband for 10 years. They were apart for 20 (HS sweethearts). I had a previous reconciliation with a former fiancée after 10 years. No, obviously that didn't work out 'forever', but it ended for different reasons than the first time. I have several friends that have similar stories.


I know there's plenty of nay-sayers here who claim that reconciliation carries odds like winning the lottery. Hardly.

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holy Crap! 26-14? And I thought I was messed up lol!!! The girl who I broke up with (we never really had any sort of intimacy, not even kissing. so don't go there) was 15, and i am 22. The age gap is soo huge, maturity levels totally different, its soo hard to deal with it all. I mean, most of the time I felt in an awkward situation, trying to not do anything that is not socially acceptable, and not disappoint her or her parents, and still trying to have a special friendship with her. Clearly it did not work out. Maybe in a few years, but I ain't stressing over it too much. If it works out I will come post in this thread lol.

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