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My sore brain.....migraine journal


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Yikes Vic...I found that getting a massage focused on my head, neck and shoulders worked wonders. For a while I had them every two weeks. If you don't have local masseuse maybe hubby could do it?


Yeah, I am sure he will when he gets home. He's still at work.

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Cluster headaches are recurring bouts of excruciating unilateral headache attacks[5] of extreme intensity.[6] The duration of a typical CH attack ranges from about 15 to 180 minutes.[3] Most untreated attacks (about 75%) last less than 60 minutes.[7]


The onset of an attack is rapid and most often without preliminary signs that are characteristic in migraine. Preliminary sensations of pain in the general area of attack, referred to as "shadows", may signal an imminent CH, or these symptoms may linger after an attack has passed, or even between attacks.[8] Though a CH is strictly unilateral, there are some documented cases of "side-shift" between cluster periods, extremely rare, simultaneously (within the same cluster period) bilateral headache.[9]



The pain occurs only on one side of the head (unilateral), around the eye (orbital), particularly above the eye (supraorbital), in the temple (temporal), or in any combination. The pain of CH is remarkably greater than in other headache conditions, including severe migraine. The term "headache" does not adequately convey the severity of the condition; the disease may be the most painful condition known to medical science.[10] The pain is described as burning, stabbing, boring or squeezing and may be located near or behind the eye.[11] Those with cluster headaches may experience suicidal thoughts during an attack as a result of the pain.[12][13]

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