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My sore brain.....migraine journal


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I had another migraine last night that just zonked me out. It was not so much painful like some, but just made me so tired there was no possible way to stay awake.


Sometimes they are so different in symptoms and levels of pain and levels of disability.


Hey Victoria. Sorry to hear you're not feeling so well today.


I suffer from migraines too but not often, not like I once used too, and thankfully they aren't too bad. Probably on the scale you mention above. I can also have "zigzags" in my eyes that affect my vision and I have been known to have had double vision before .... but that hasn't happened in a long time.


I hope you feel better soon.

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Hey Huntress,


Yeah sometimes I just need something to concentrate on to ignore the pain or I will go over the deep end. Sometimes I just have to lay down. So I have been laying down off and on.




I hope I feel better too, this is day two and it is driving me mental.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I tried to sleep it off but it comes and goes and comes and goes and the minute I have been awake for longer than a few mins it is back. I just feel like stabbing into the back of my neck with a pair of scissors. Three days of this is more than I can bear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you ever tried..Meditation and Yoga of some kind......Try these breathing techniques (they are called Pranayam).....There is a person named 'Baba Ramdev' who has revivied Yoga in India.....You will find a lot of his videos on youtube

- Anulom Vilom

- Kapal bhati

- Bhastrika

- Bharmri (this would definitely help)




Youtube is blocked from where i work...so i can't see if this video is in english or not.....but if its not in english then search with Baba ramdev...migraine...pranayam etc....and you will find these videos......However, it would be better if you can find a trainer who teaches these to you, although the videos are self explannatory and can be followed easily.


Also check out this.... secret of Yoga lies in doing it daily....and it can heal just any ailment.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Victoria, I have a new friend who is our age and says she has had serious, daily headaches for the last 10 months. She sees a neurologist and takes meds but she doesn't like her neurologist or the treatment so I'm asking around to see if there's someone better. Did yours start suddenly too or is this a lifetime thing? I feel so badly for her. She works full time and has 2 youngish children.

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Victoria, I have a new friend who is our age and says she has had serious, daily headaches for the last 10 months. She sees a neurologist and takes meds but she doesn't like her neurologist or the treatment so I'm asking around to see if there's someone better. Did yours start suddenly too or is this a lifetime thing? I feel so badly for her. She works full time and has 2 youngish children.


I was about 23 when my migraines started. Mine are genetic. My mother has had migraines since she was a toddler ( 3 years old) My son also gets them as well he has had them since he was six years old.


Apparently in your 20s it is pretty abnormal to start getting migraines at that point. They usually start in childhood or at puberty.


Do they know what kind of headaches she gets and why? I have had my brain CT scanned a few times. They have told me they have seen no abnormality in my brain so my migraines are determined the " idiopathic." Meaning they can't determine a physical reason . But migraines are caused by anomalies in construction of the brain and vascular system. I'm sure if they did a spinal and dye test they would find where my problem is.

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