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cant forget her however hard i try

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Oh hell....there is this girl in my class in college.I loved her more than anything else in this world.She always treated me as a friend. I did not want a platonic relationship.I asked her out thrice and she refused....for the past couple of months she isn't even talking to me and yesterday.she invited my best friend to a party and did not call me.....I .who has been talking to her for soemthing like a year.This friend of mine doesn't even talk to her much.

Shit....I've had it.I want to forget this girl who has ruined my life but every day I attend the same classes as she does and it breaks my heart every time she talks to a guy..she never talked like that to me.I can tforget her cuz every day I see her in class.

Soemone please help me out..help me forget her forever.


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Girls don't like to be forced into relationships. Its that simple. The most you can do is to be a "great guy" to her. The rest is up to her ...


You don't really need to forget her totally. Just try to be a nice friend and have other friends. Someone else, say something!

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Osewa77 is right, you cant force anyone to love you. Im sure she liked being friends with you, but now she feels uncomfortable around you because she knows you want something more than just friendship.


How do you think she will be able to have a boyfriend or meet other guys, if her good friend thats hanging on her shoulder (you) has a crush on her?


First thing, it makes it hard for her because she doesnt want to hurt your feelings,.


Osewa77 gave good advise, the only thing you can do, is just be her buddy, dont even talk about romance unless she brings it up, and even then be careful because she may be testing you, maybe, just maybe she will like you more than a friend, but expect to be hurt if she starts dating someone, and the really bad thing is, that if you give any indication that your feeling hurt, and not hapy for her, than she will push you out of her life again.


It sux i know!

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