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Positive contact today, now what?


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Today my ex and I had some what I would say is positive contact. We both go to the same school and park in the same area. Today when I drove to school she pulled into the parking lot right in front of me. We ended up parking near each other and we walked to class together. On our way to class we talked and acted like normal, had a few good laughs and neither of us brought up any past problems. We did talk about how she had exams today, and I am debating if I should text her later to see how they went. When we got to the building she let me open the door for her, which she would not let me do last week. When we said bye neither of us specified when we would see or talk again, I just said “see ya later, bye.”


She still has some furniture and other belongings at my apartment, and she still has a key to my place. Although the furniture she has here is stuff that she really does not need. She has had time to come get her stuff but has not, does this mean anything?


There is also this girl that I met that is posting on my myspace wall of how she wants to hang out with me. My ex and I are friends on there so I am assuming that she has seen it because she always checks people’s profiles. Do you’ll think that this will make her jealous and want to come back?


So what does this mean and where should I go from here? The last time we broke up I stayed in some friendly contact with her and eventually we got back together. Should I do this again? I know she can be very stubborn and hold out for a long time even if she wants to contact me. We were together for a little over 3 years and when we broke up he said that I am her best friend and that she wants it to stay that way. Also less than a month ago she was talking about how she wanted to get married and she was looking at wedding dresses; do we still have a chance?

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I'm glad you had some postive contact baker!


It's good that you kept the conversation light and nothing about you guys were brought up. I'm not sure if I'd text her later but that's totally up to you. Something light like, "how's the exam going?" and be prepared though before hand for her not to reply or to not get a reply you would want.


As for her leaving her stuff... my ex and I still have not exchanged out stuff. He hasn't called to do it and I know he forgets important things (that was my job in the relationship) and at first I saw it the same as you but really you can't. That's a false hope you don't want.


Making her jealous doesn't mean she will want to come back. She could be jealous but at the same time be happy that you are moving on, especially since she was the dumper. You want her to come back because she wants to come back, right? Not because she feels like some other girl is on her man.


I think you still have a chance. It's just going to take time and work on both parts. So are you in NC or LC?

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Hey man handle it coolily. That is, dont show eagerness. Be nice and polite and funny but DO NOT talk about love and babies and how you miss her. In fact, try and be casual and show concern about her health. Do not be available too often. She will be back.

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