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Help please!!! Guys/Girls!!!

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Well here is the story, i dated that girl for 3 months and i really liked her, the problems is that we broke up 3 weeks ago. Right now she is dating someone else and she says she loves him so DAmn Much!!!. We still friend, but yesturday we went clubbing and she went with us because she is a friend too, her BF wasn't there and i noticed taht she looked at me more than once....but what hurts is to know that i see her once or twice a week with some others knowing that she is a friend that i love, what to do?

Sometimes i try to move on and go talk to other girls but my mind keeps telling No because there is still hopes, im so confused please help!!!




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How long were you friends before you started going out? And why did you break up? I'm no expert, but I would guess that she doesn't want to cut off all contact between the two of you: she obviously has feelings for you, even if these are only friendly feelings. She does, after all, have a new boyfriend, so I'd be doubtful about her being still in love with you. But, like I say, not an expert.


I know it's difficult to be around an ex without wanted to grab them and tell them you want them back, but play it cool. That's my advice.

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