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Life before, now and after

Dusk Till Dawn

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It didn't go smoothly unfortunately he didn't manage to go to turkey to apply for his student visa due to circumstances outwith his control, the good news is he should be able to go in April to apply and I will travel to see him there.

I also recently applied for a visa to Iran around a month ago, and on wednesday night I received my authorisation code, which I am so pleased about, as it means that if things don't go well in Turkey I at least can see him again in the end of June/July.


I am missing him soooo much, it's been over 4.5 years since our love began. A long long time and I really wish we can be together soon. I love him with all my heart and I pray for good news in the near future.

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  • 2 months later...
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M was finally able to book his appointment for Turkey and will go to submit his papers for a visa on the 6th June, I will fly out to meet him and spend a couple of days with him. I am so happy to be able to finally see him after 8 months, I miss him like crazy!! I pray to God that we get a positive outcome, and I pray he doesn't need to hang around long, he can't even fly home and wait as they obviously will have his passport.

It has all happened so quick I was planning to see him end of June at the latest but this is better A week tomorrow and I will make my way to his arms.

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Okay so in 24 hours I will leave for the airport, I am going to Istanbul via Amsterdam and will be in transit there for 7 hours. Once I finally arrive in Turkey I will wait 8 hours till M's flight arrives. A long process but nothing compared to the 8 and a half months since I last saw him. I miss him things haven't been great between us recently I think a lot of it is stress with the distance, I really hope it will be over soon and we can finally start living our lives together.

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  • 1 month later...

Can't believe it's been a month since I came back from Turkey, I was only there for 3 days to be fair, as a support for M while he submitted his visa application, I left Glasgow on the Sunday arriving at Ataturk Airport early hours of Monday morning then waited at the airport till M's flight arrived and we made our way to Aksary, where we checked into a hotel, we stayed there for 2 nights checked out the local sights ate out and went to Taksim. The third night we stayed in a hotel in Sultanahmet and M decided he would remain there after I went home on the Thursday.

His appointment at the world bridge centre was on the Wednesday it took all of 12 days for them to send there decision back the next day the courier delivered his documents to the hotel.


VISA REFUSED. I honestly wished M was joking when he told me even though I had told him in advance don't joke. He said apparently from the 6th May 2012 the UKBA no longer accepted his bank as a financial institution, I had to see for myself and there it was online, the rules had been changed. Had M known this he could have prevented a wasted trip, switched his Maintenance fees into another bank (1 of the 2 they now accept) and then went to Turkey it might have meant waiting an extra 28 days but it would have been a positive decision as it is all points based, now he didn't have those 10 points needed.


I thought we need to apply again! but if he goes back now waits the extra 28 days makes his new appointment and comes back to Turkey submits his papers has to wait up to another 3 weeks for a decision, he won't make the cut of point. His class started today actually but he was told he has till middle of August to come, and doing all of the above would make it too tight.


His mom was with him by this point, she was travelling back home the following day and asked him "will it help if I send your maintenance funds direct to the college" this isn't something common but apparently it's been done before, it fast tracks the 28 days, well so he was told by the visa consultant who has been helping him. Bear in mind it's the same visa consultant who failed to tell him the Maintenance fees were increasing and who also wasn't aware of the change in rules regarding his bank, to be honest I/we have lost a lot of faith in this visa consultant, thankfully it is a free service that the college provides.


So as it stands now, a week ago today M submitted his new application and papers. He was informed at the world bridge centre, (who send the documents to the embassy), that they had never heard of maintenance fees being sent to a college, and it may be refused. Yes was great to hear this, not!


For the first couple of days it consumed me and I have even been dreaming about the visa, the first time round I never let it worry me as we were confident as he had everything he needed to gain the 40 points but hearing or reading the words visa refused, has made me fear we will see it again. Especially as he has now done something quite uncommon, doesn't make me feel any better the fact the visa consultant said many students have done this before.


So again we wait I don't know if we will receive the decision in 12 days (which will be 5 days from now) whether it will come before or whether he will wait the full 3 weeks, and hopefully not any more than that. tbc

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  • 2 months later...

The second application was refused, to be honest I half expected it, since sending the money to the college isn't the norm even though the visa consultant was so confident that it would be approved. Our faith in him is now non existant, the only reason we are using him is because the college require it, other wise they won't give you your money back if your application is refused. Well that is 2 refusals, just as well his services are free.


As usual I haven't blogged for ages so a lot has happened since my last post. M went back home set up a new bank account that the UKBA approve of and deposited the required amount of funds needed, then when the funds matured 28 days later he made an appointment and went back to Turkey. It's been 8 days since he submitted his papers at the world bridge centre and when I checked his status yesterday it said the papers had arrived at the embassy.


As you know the last time he came to Turkey I met him and stayed with him for 3 days before returning home. This time I decided that I couldn't let him go through it all alone again, the waiting... the decision... I wanted to be here to give him that support. So I contacted the kids school and my college (yes I have went back to college finally and came out here to be with him. Him meeting me at the airport this time which was nice.


So currently we are waiting, I really hope this will be third time lucky for us. I hope God helps us, I don't want us to end but I know if we can't end the distance this will probably happen. Which is sad as we have been together for over 5 years and knowing our future lies in someone elses hands isn't a great feeling. But we hold hope as there isn't a reason why he should be rejected again....

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We are so happy God blessed us, and now he can come to Scotland with me and we can start the rest of our lives together, it's been over 5 years since our long distance relationship started and finally the distance is ending, he will go to school and I will continue my education. I hope that we will never need to leave each other again!

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  • 1 month later...

I mistakenly wrote the 24th August, it was actually the 24th September he collected his visa, well actually his passport which had his visa proudly in it.

Even thinking about that day makes me smile, there was tears in his eyes, such a proud moment, for some it wouldn't mean that much but to us it meant and means everything, if you have read my previous posts you will know the struggle we went through for it.


We got back to the UK on the 4th October, we had planned to come home the week before, but last minute flights were too expensive so we held off an extra week and got a better price, plus the extra week in Istanbul was nice as we didn't need to worry and think about anything anymore. (Well apart from Imigration control) but that was far from our mind. Being able to spend 4 weeks alone away with him and the kids was bliss, we had the most amazing time hanging out together, whether we were out or in the Apartment we were happy, and knowing we would leave together made us even happier.


When we arrived in the UK we flew into Heathrow and made our way to passport control, the queues were really long M's longer than mine, so we waited for him at the otherside, I watched him as he got closer to the front, and kept hoping he would get a "nice" passport control officer. Thankfully he did and had no troubles. Then we made our way to catch the coach home to Glasgow arriving early the following morning.


I remember when we were near home I kept thinking this is what you have been waiting for your whole relationship for him to walk through your front door. It was finally happening and I couldn't have been any happier. We arrived and M wanted to open the door seeing him standing inside was bliss. 5 years waiting and it had happened.


On the 28th October we got to celebrate my birthday together it was the best birthday I have had in a long time because it is the first one that he has ever spent with me. It has been 6.5 weeks since he arrived in Scotland and even though we still argue nearly as much as we did when we were long distance I am glad we made it this far. We need to learn to communicate better as this is where we fail but we have time to work on us.


I love him and I love that I can type this with M in the same room as me, something that I was never able to have the privilage off till now.

Duset daram M.

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  • 8 months later...

I cant believe its been so long since i updated this journal.. Maybe its because M is with me and I dont need to track my feelings or vent. I dont know.

So much has happened since my last update and I guess i want to share it.

On the 21st June we got legally married. We have many anniversaries Our 6 year anniversary is coming up on the 10th August. We had our 4th Siegh anniversary on 2nd July.

We recently found out WE ARE HAVING A BABY! I am due on the 7th February 2014. We are so happy I was 13 weeks yesterday and had a 3rd scan I love seeing our baby. The kids are excited too. A baby makes our family complete!!


M's Student visa expires on the 7th August. I can't believe he has been here 10 months already time sure does fly.

We submitted a spouse visa application on the 1st August. I hope we get it without problems.

We are together, happy and I won't let anything or anyone separate us!

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  • 3 months later...

So I have the BEST NEWS EVER M was granted his spouse visa, other than a hiccup the application went smoothly and we were granted it, without a fight which I thought might happen, we found out via our solicitor on Friday and we collected it and all our documents yesterday. It's valid till May 2016 and then we need to apply to extend it. This makes life so much easier knowing we don't need to worry anymore and can concentrate on our baby's arrival.


We are both thrilled and for anyone reading this in a LDR don't give up.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

M is 6 months now, she is such a sweetheart, I love her so much. She's growing fast, I keep forgetting to post here I think it is because I originally had created it because I wanted an outlet when M was in Iran and we had the distance between us, in October it will be 2 years since we closed the distance. I am so happy that we live our life together like a normal family, I know we will have more visa's to go through and more stress in 2016 but for now I am enjoying the stress free time.

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  • 6 months later...

I don't know why but my journal popped into my mind randomly whilst i was browing the internet, so I decided to come here and update. My beautiful baby girl turned one in February how time flies past. She is the most amazing little girl, I love her endlessly. We took her to Iran in September/October past to visit her grandmother for the first time. Daddy also got to see him mom who he hadn't saw since he moved to Scotland in 2012. He also got to meet his brother who came over from Germany who he had not saw since he was 12 years old so that was a lovely reunion.

We are planning a trip to Turkey in July to see his mom who will meet us there. M will be 8 months older than she was the first time they met. I wish we could be closer in distance, but sadly this is how it is for now. I can't wait for our trip K and C will also be with us my older babies who are also growing fast K is now 14 and C is now 12.

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