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We share the same friends. It's getting difficult.

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When I first broke up with my girlfriend I thought I would lose all of the friends that I met through her. As it happens, they are still my friends. I decided to try and separate from my ex completely as she is seeing someone else and I it would really mess me up if I saw them together.


Things have been working out, I've been going out every weekend and having fun, but last night I was invited to a birthday party. It's probably going to be the biggest party of the year... Everyone is going, even my brother and his friends are going. Only problem is... She's going too. This means I stay at home while all of my friends are at this party. Talk about depressing.


I'm not sure what to do. I hate all this crap! I have to find out where she is before I go anywhere... Maybe I should just grit my teeth and go to the party but I've no idea what effect it will have on me. I know if I saw her with him it would kill me. My brother says I should just go the party and get it over with, there will be loads of people there and I don't have to talk to her but I he doesn't know what I'm feeling.

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You're trying to void the pin of the break-up by running away. Hmmm ... there must be a better way. It rely doesn't have to kill you to see them together. We need to know more about what you are feeling now concerning her.


Please write more, we're listening!

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It's been 6 weeks since we split up. She started seeing the new guy after 1 week. I hate her for moving on so fast and when I think about them together it's makes me very upset. I think about what he is doing with her and it tears me apart! I know who this guy is... On our first date, he was in the club we went to and he tried to pull her. They talked for ages but she ended up going with me. I asked her if she liked him and she said no. Over the 2 and a half years we were together we saw this guy from time to time as he worked in a shop near us, I used to swear that I saw them smiling at each other but she denied it... Now look what has happened. If I saw him I don't think I would get angry, it's not his fault - it's hers. I know we've broken up and I should get over it but I feel as though she has thrown away everything we had, the whole relationship seems meaningless and we went through so much together.

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Its sensible to assume she had him in mind before she decided to break up with you since she started going out with him just one week after breaking up with you.


I want you to consider something: did you have the kind of relationship that allows each partner to be honest? Perhaps she would have told you about it when she started getting attracted to the new guy. Try to base all new relationships on openness and honesty. Don't allow deception in any form anymore! Since you're angry with her, maybe getting the truth will help you to be less furious. At least you'll really know what went wrong...


I sincerely hope you can get over it fully, and start a new relationship based on honesty.

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I asked her that question a while ago. She says she never saw him before breaking up with me but I know she always fancied him. She a slut!

I'm better off without her but I can't get her out of my life. She lives in the same town as me and we have the same friends. All I want is to forget about her but someway or another I'm always thinking about her because she's always around. I just want to jack everything in and leave this country. I'm fed up with hearing about her and that ***wit! I hate myself for feeling like this, she doesn't deserve any more thought!!!

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