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The Lovely Bones....


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  • 3 weeks later...

I read it back in high school and I really related to it. Not to the dead part obviously, but the raped part. It did make me think, 'what if I had died?' and question a lot of my depression issues. I ended up buying a copy and I've read it a few times now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I read it back in high school and I really related to it. Not to the dead part obviously, but the raped part. It did make me think, 'what if I had died?' and question a lot of my depression issues. I ended up buying a copy and I've read it a few times now.


I am so sorry to hear you went through this. This was the part that I could not get past, I tried and I just couldn't. It was too much.

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it was decent, not great or anything but not painful to finish. I didn't like the ending. The author of the book was raped (not to spoil, but it happens very early on) so it made it more interesting for me knowing she had been through some of it and had to cope.

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I liked the book. It isn't for the fainthearted, though -- it's difficult to get past what happens to the protagonist. I can see where some might find it boring; it does drag in places, but for me, there were some very well-written passages, and I cried in a few places.


I just bought Alice Sebold's most recent book -- can't remember the title offhand -- and plan to read it as soon as I finish the one I'm currently reading.


There's a big controversy about the movie not being *true* to the book because the sexual assault aspect is left out of the film version, and the book is more about the protagonist's father's search for her killer as opposed to being about the protagonist. I'm curious to see the film, though, and I probably will. I actually am not upset that the rape aspect was taken out, simply because it's pretty heavy, and I think it would be very difficult to watch. It's awful enough that the protagonist gets murdered, and I think the essence of the story is still the same -- about what happens to those left behind when a loved one is murdered, etc.

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I liked the book. It isn't for the fainthearted, though -- it's difficult to get past what happens to the protagonist. I can see where some might find it boring; it does drag in places, but for me, there were some very well-written passages, and I cried in a few places.


I just bought Alice Sebold's most recent book -- can't remember the title offhand -- and plan to read it as soon as I finish the one I'm currently reading.




Almost Moon? I really didn't enjoy it all that much.

The premise and idea for the subject seems good, but I just remember not being overly impressed with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I read this book quite a few years ago. I remember enjoying the book. I also remember getting to the ending and seeing a bunch of study guides and/or questions... I read an EDUCATIONAL book?! heh.


My most vivid memory of the story was the father explaining to the little boy how* his sister died... I think it was with monopoly?


Mind you I haven't even seen the book for 5+ years... lol.


*Edit: not HOW his sister died... but the fact that she died and what that means in terms of life.

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  • 1 month later...

The book was pretty good. A few chapters made me tear up. It's not an exciting book. It's about tragedy, family, and how people aren't what they seem. My favourite character was the alcoholic grandmother who ended up being the most noble of the characters.


I liked the parts about the sister's coming of age. The friend's sexuality is strange but I thought it was interesting. Some of the imagery is really well done too. She had a lot of scenes where it was the family all doing their separate actions yet all being connected. It had a beautiful flow to it and went well with the books themes.


Not the most exciting book or my favourite, but still worth a read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just finished reading this book today (haven't seen the film) and it was quite good I thought. But I was really disappointed with the end (without giving anything away but the bit with Ray in Hal's bike shop). But other than that I thought it was pretty good.

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