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Deep Thought Poem


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Grey plooms of smoke rise above head

Releaseing reoccurring saddness into temporary unseen chasms

The momentary relief is good, yet knowing my problems still persist in my altered mind

Spoken of to some, and understood by almost no one

I am left seemingly helpless and alone to get through this

I feel I have been abandoned by my friends who never were

No one seems to take a likeing to me though I may them

It hurts when they do to end it all for unknown, most times, shallow reasons

Often ditched or seemly so by those I have left

Thrown aside for others when what I need most is a friend

These friends I do have left make me jealous and mad alike for they in general have what it is I most want

A girlfriend, large group of friends, physical being, talents and skills.....

No matter what it maybe it seems everyone around me has what I can't seem to get in that I know is possible for me to receive

I strive for these things to have it end all wrong which just makes it all the harder to try the next time

I will go on, I will hope for the best, but it's hard to see a future when hidden behind all this mess



Thanks for reading my poem. I am not sure exactly if you'd classify it as a poem or not but either way, tell me how you like it. And yes, this is based on my life. Thanks

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