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A girl's imagination at work?


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There is this shy guy at the office. I wouldn't say we work in different departments but let's just say I have less contact with him than some other coworkers.

I never thought much about him because I was new and was learning how to do my job right. However, I started noticing that he would always stare at me and when I pass by, I can feel him looking at me.

I tried to approach him but unfortunately, lack the reasons and means to.

He also doesn't eat in the employee's caf or go to happy hours so there aren't many opportunities to strike up a convo.

He also doesn't seem to have a problem speaking to other coworkers.

Finally, when we do speak to each other, sometimes, he is very cold or nervous and at other times he makes small jokes.

It's hard to explain it and writing this doesn't seem like it's conveying the whole story but I thought I'd try it out.


So for the million dollar question, does he like me?

or does he just enjoy staring at me and I am making things out of nothing?

Should i try to approach him more or should i just ignore him?

Opinions appreciated

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Even other female coworkers? If so I'd say he likes you. Either that or he is just interested because you're new. When you see the same boring faces everyday at work someone new is always a novelty.


He is fine with talking to the other female coworkers but when he sees me he acts very formal and he has only made a few "jokes" (and we weren't alone either).

Well i started working there in july so i don't think i'm that new anymore haha.

However, now that i'm back to school, i only work on fridays so i'll see how it goes. I'm starting to really think i'm making things out of nothing =/

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