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I think were broken up


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Ac, I just never expected him to walk away.


I dont want to be mean, but I really hope he does cause he will do you a HUGE favor by leaving. Seriously. Good normal BF's dont do what he's doing.


Since you want to be with him so bad & he seems like he needs help. Have you ever considered counseling together?

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CC, reading that text. Do you think it sounds like a serious break up text? Or just him getting angry/insecure?




What if all of us were to say that yes, it sounds like a break-up text...



Then what??



I hope you'll figure out what I'm trying to get at here...

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Wait a second. I disagree with that. I'm definitely a guy with all the parts to prove it and I certqainly have never bailed. Now if a guy uses the "L" word and bails, chances are he just wanted to use you, tkae you for granted and get in your pants. There may be a majority, but we're not all like that. And Blue, I think people are right here when they say you can do a lot better. Tell this joke it's over and watch what comes beating on your door and ringing your phone. It won't be long before you have a line of guys waiting for you.

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The L word is used too liberally these days I agree....


Blue won't see this by what is said in here, it will be her that has to realize that this guy doesn't value himself, let alone his family. How can he value her?


Don't decipher the text.. just try to get some rest and ignore his antics.

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No Blue, he wasn't breaking up with you. He created a reason out of nowhere to disappear from you and from reality, apparently, since he has ignored family contact as well, and he's doing SOMETHING ELSE. Stop worrying about yourself, and think about it, he's also doing this to his PARENTS for goodness sakes!


Something is up with him, these disappearing acts, and it has nothing to do with you other than that you let him do it to you, by picking up with him afterwards.

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Its like he wont believe I love him or anything and he gets insecure and goes off on one about how he can't do anything right.


I just wish he'd give me an answer. Thats all I ask of him.


Blue, what does it mean to you, what I pointed out, that he disappears from other significant people in his life besides just you?

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Look, the person he is is someone who disappears when he gets angry or annoyed or just gets a wild hair and wants to be alone for a while.


And if you're the kind of person who can't tolerate someone who does this and has a mental meltdown when it happens, then it will never work.


You are not acting like someone in love, you are acting like someone who has made this guy your obsession. Sometimes people fit together like a lock and key in positive ways, and sometimes their own weak spots fit together in a perfect kind of hell on earth, which you are experiencing now.


You need to get some counseling to understand why you freak out like an abandoned one year old when it's mother leaves the room. And why you are dependent on HIM to tell you whether the relationship is on or off. You are letting him control your emotions, and turning over all your emotional power to him, and you hang on his every word and breath.


I personally wouldn't take that message as a breakup text, i would take it more like he is really angry with you, and wants to go off on his own to scratch his mad spot. Then he'll just wait you out until your separation anxiety takes over, and you come crawling back to him begging him to forgive you for something HE did. That is a really sick dynamic honey, and you need to get some therapy to understand why all this has nothing to do with love or a good relationship. It doesn't matter what you like about him, it has turned into a really bad scene for you.

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