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how to make the 1st move on a gf


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hey guys...


ive been goin out with this girl for a couple of weeks and wev ben out a couple of times



however, evrytime we r together, i dont know how to make a move to kiss her ...i am sure she wants 2, and i do 2, but its never been difficult with ne other gf, and now i dont know how 2 make a move on this gf...


ne info will b appreciated!!

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Dont worry about it! When you are alone sit down somewhere quiet and when you heads are facing each other just gently lean in and kiss her.


If you are worried that she will pull away or something like that then i dont see a problem in asking. Say something like: "I would really like to kiss you right now, would that be ok?" or "If i was to kiss you, would you mind?"


It is sure to come naturally once you know how to initiate it!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I had this problem too.


I just held her hand and got close by her side, and when she looked in my direction I looked into her eyes and let the emotions take it from there. You sound like you know what to do after that point.


This worked for me, I hope it helps

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