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Do you think you are attractive?


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I think I look okay with a full face of make up and a nice outfit but first thing in the morning? Forget it...nearly broke the mirror this morning!


I'm very critical of my features and on top of that am now dealing with the first signs of ageing so yeah, I can feel unnattractive but seriously, there is more important stuff to worry about in life!

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It depends on the day. The best would be a tiny bit better than average and the worst would be hideously ugly. Lately my opinion of myself has been heading towards ugly because of my weight, skin, teeth and my inability to be able to afford flattering clothes or a nice haircut. Most of these problems are going to require money to fix. A lot of it!


Sometimes I will look in the mirror and think I look pretty good and then I'll see a photo of myself and shudder. I'm the least photogenic person in the world. The camera hates me.

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I wonder how to feel attractive. I have never felt handsome or good looking. This makes it hard to work out or dress nice, because I think why bother? So, do you think you are physically attractive, if so what about you is attractive? Or do you think your personality is the attractive thing, or both?


I dress nice and work out, but I don't think I'm all that attractive. I'm pretty sure it's my personality that reels people in believe it or not. My body is attractive when I'm not slacking off, but no one really gets to see that.

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IMO, I've got a perfect face for radio....


I don't look sexy. I look plain and conservative most of the time. You'd never notice me in a crowd (neither good/bad) Attractive? meh, I'm probably a 6 to people with reasonable expectations.. Do I care? Nope. I like WHO I am, and I am plenty sexy with DH, and he appreciates it.


I read somewhere that:

Between birth & 18, a girl needs her parents

Between 18 & 35, a girl needs her looks

Between 35 and 55 a girl needs her personality

Over 55, she needs cash!


Let's just say that's my upside to being over 35. ha!

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I think I'm attractive, yes.


Attraction occurs between two objects, right? My husband can't stay away, so I guess I'm attractive to him. I also tend to turn some heads, although surely there are plenty of people who aren't attracted to me.


Am I happy with the way I look? Yes, mostly because I have improved the things that can be improved and learned to accept the things I can't.


I work out for health reasons, not for looks.

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Some days I feel terrible about the way I look, and others I feel good. But honestly no matter how I feel, myself, about my looks, I always know deep down that objectively I look just fine and that I'm not ugly. I know that my face is perfectly fine/pretty and that my body is perfectly average and not disgusting. Honestly when worrying over how to find someone, I worry a lot more about my personality - that he won't find me interesting or funny or nice. When I think about dating someone, I worry that he won't still like me after he finds out who I really am, about my craziness and stubbornness and how I can REALLY hold a grudge, and be really judgmental, not about whether he thinks I'm attractive or not.


I guess I've never had the experience of being rejected based on my looks ... I've always felt that it was more a matter of personality.

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Yes, I'm attractive. I know I have some good qualities and even though am far from perfect, am coming to accept that the lack of perfection can be part of my appeal.


I work out mostly because I like to feel strong. I like the feeling of being fit. And, working out helps me appreciate my body for what it really is and does. Not just what it looks like or how other people see me or my clothes, when working out or being able to lift myself in chin ups - I feel proud of my body and like I can break out of limitations. I can forget about a lot of the outer stuff when focused on a physical challenge.

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some days I'm happy with my looks, like most of the women already posted, I look better with makeup cuz it brings out certain features and hides others (racoon eyes..ugh) and I think I look like a cute geek girl.


most of the time though, no I'm not happy with my looks. Especially after seeing myself in photographs...I swear I dont know why the camera makes me look 10X uglier...I look different in pictures than I do in the mirror..


I scutinize my features a lot, I get upset with my facial features because I dont have that small, mousy face that so many attractive women have, with that upturned nose...I hate my nose. My family constantly tells me I'm beautiful but I ignore it because they're family...friends tell my I'm cute/pretty too (but they know I have low self esteem)...on the rare times I've gotten compliments from guys they say I'm cute...never hot or sexy...I dont and cant harness my sex appeal like lots of women do.


I dress nice too, but no ammount of nice clothes can make me happy with my body.


Best advice I can give to people who feel bad about their looks is to focus on something else..work, hobbies, etc...keeps your mind off of it. Unless you have money to go under the knife then you're stuck with how you look and have to make the best of it.

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I struggle with this. When I look in the mirror, I think "I'm cute," but when I look at my mom and sister, I see "hot." Guys will look at me and smile, but then when they see my mom and older sister, they turn away from me.


I've always been compared to my sister. She is beautiful and flawless looking. I am too fat (my fault) and would be more attractive if I lost weight (which I am trying to do).


Overall, I think I have pretty eyes and a nice smile. Do I think I'm hot? Honestly, no. Do I think I'm ugly? Honestly, no. I think there is something cute about me in a wholesome kind of way, but not what society normally thinks of as a "fine @ss woman."

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Most people can be attractive, by living a healthy lifestyle which includes being physically fit, eating right, etc. As long as in the case of women, they wear tasteful makeup and dress to suit their body and age, confident in what they wear, they will be attractive. Men, same thing, albeit no makeup...plse!

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