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Small vs big companies -- which ones suit introverts?

Double J

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Like many others on this site, I am an introvert and shy away from meetings, big groups, and virtually anything that puts the spotlight on me. I was wondering, based on your experiences working for companies big and small, where you thought introverts might fit best.


I am of the belief that introverts might be more apt to work in smaller companies. Smaller companies usually have smaller budgets, meaning that they really can't afford to sponsor events and throw lavish parties like their larger, corporate counterparts. Additionally, smaller companies are usually anti-bureaucratic; you'd be hard-pressed to find one that holds more than 1-2 meetings per week.


I have also noticed, based on my personal experience, that smaller companies tend to afford its employees greater latitude to exercise their creativity. At my company, I can usually take an idea and run with it, whereas in a larger company it would probably get shot down somewhere along the way.


Yes, jobs at bigger companies do come with better perks. But I think high-paying job that doesn't mesh well with your personality could make you very unhappy.


What are your thoughts guys?

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It's about finding your nitch, not the size of the company. You have to have a set amount of people skills with any job. Some jobs have a lot less than others.


I have come to believe that the best job for introverts is "lab tech". They are rarely around other people and are notorious loners from what I've been told. Any job where you are 'in the back' and working with computers, equipment, and data would be the best place for someone who doesn't want to deal with people. However, even those jobs have interaction. And, if you want to move up, you need people skills and networking skills.

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I think you are making very broad generalizations of small vs large companies. Not all large companies stifle creativity...in fact, sometimes they can be more encouraging of creativity and independence than a smaller company. Some smaller companies can be quite dictatorial in nature. The "culture" of a company, large or small, depends on the type of bosses. A company can have one type of culture with one boss and a completely different culture with another boss. Not all large companies throw lavish affairs. Meetings happen in large and small companies and provide a forum for sharing ideas. Usually even in large companies meetings are just within small groups who have a stake in that particular topic..they are not huge gatherings. I am an introvert but have no problem in meetings because it is about sharing ideas which can then be implemented. Do not underestimate the value of meetings...they get you connected with a wider group of people who will then learn about your skills. Team meetings and meetings with other teams in the organization provide an opportunity for networking. I think it is more important for you to choose the company based on how it will enhance your skills, allow you to learn new skills and perhaps break you out of your shell just a little bit so that you can network with people.

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I work in a very large company, but I'm in the legal team where there are about 15 people and we work pretty autonomously 90% of the time. We get our own projects and we give advice independently, so unless we need to confirm something with another person or give someone a helping hand with something, we're left alone unless we seek out other people.


I'm an extrovert, but when it comes to work, I really do prefer to work independently because I get things done and then can focus on more me things. I hate sitting around work chatting about work because it makes work feel like even more work. Meetings I especially dislike, but in my current position there aren't any meetings. Only the senior counsels go to the big corporate meetings and I'm completely happy with that.


It's not small vs big company, it's really the culture of the specific company you're interested in.

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And the job can change so much from little things like 'where you are sitting in the office".


If you are stationed next to Chatty Carol, you're going to be pushed into dealing with her on a regular basis. If you're around the corner, next to the copier that no one uses because the nicer ones are one floor up, and the only people who bother you are the ones who need to grab the broom out of the side closet, you'll be quite a peace.


Also, you could have the kind of boss that you never see, only-know-him-through-his-weekly-memos kind of guy or you can have the *fun* boss that makes everyone dress down for casual friday and hosts big BBQ parties every couple of weeks and feels the need to playpunch you everytime you pass by him.


It's really all up in the air with what you get.

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^ lol Chatty Carol! Yeah, we have one of those, she reallllly likes to discuss her kids. I normally like a good non-work related chat, but there's only so many times I can 'awww' at a cute kid story.


It's worse when they only have their cats to talk about. "No I don't care that your cat figured out how to flush the toliet. Either bring me coffee or make yourself scarse"

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Haha, reminds me of that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry tries to avoid "stop-and-chats". I relate to that so well. =P


Luckily, at my current job, I sit in a quiet and peaceful area, even though there are a ton of people that work in our group. Like the OP, I'm an introvert and prefer to be alone instead of having all of these silly meetings and events every week. It's like if I don't go to all of these meetings then people think you do not like the place or that you do not like them. In reality, I just prefer to work independently and not be forced to socialize. I like to keep my work and personal lives separated. Some people at work just don't understand that.


To answer the question, I agree with the poster that said that it doesn't matter what size the company is. It's all about circumstances -- are you next to chatty Carol, next to the party guy who used to be in a fraternity, etc. Chatty Carols are everywhere, so might as well figure out a way to get used to it. =P

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It's worse when they only have their cats to talk about. "No I don't care that your cat figured out how to flush the toliet. Either bring me coffee or make yourself scarse"


Hah! On one of my jobs, I am golden because both the big boss and I are "cat people". We USED to have a person like you working there, we got rid of him. We all have pics of our babies on our desks and buy presents for each others cats. Make sure your boss doesn't have cats, or you could be history!

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I think it depends on the culture of the firm in question. Some firms value social interaction among employees over others.


Also, some kind of social interaction is surely natural in the workplace, so i don't get isolating oneself from one's co-workers. if people ask too many personal questions, then simply say you don't feel comfortable in discussing it. it's just how human nature is, if you work with people closely you start to build bonds with them, and become a kind of family.


another thing is that why isolate yourselves from people who you rely on for the completion of your own work? IMO, this is kind of shooting oneself in the foot, since your co-workers can easily say "i'm not working with him/her, if s/he doesn't respond when i make small talk with them."


maybe introverts shouldn't work in team-based or departmental-based environments, since some kind of social bonds/interactions are common in those scenarios. So again, it's about organisational culture, more so than the size of the firm.

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