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3 months on... I am over the first love

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Honestly, reading all the stories about people's experiences and all that with their first real love, I felt a little discouraged. It seemed to me like this was going to be a LONG process and maybe I wouldn't actually move on, just more or less forget.



I don't remember the date we broke up but it was around the start of August. About a week or 2 of pain and I realised I can't do this. NC was my only shot. As soon as I decided this there has been nothing on my side. I received a few txts but didn't reply. I saw her out drunk one night, she said hey and I ignored her completely and turned away to my friends.



To be honest the pain was excruciating. We'd broke up before back in April for about a month so I think that's when I suffered the "non-stop crying sit at home, stay in bed and not eat anything" syndrome. So we got back together a month after that break up. I never quite recovered. I was still not happy. 3 months on and we break up again.



There was pain, but not as much, I think that first breakup taught me more than I thought. I still loved this girl, the first girl I ever have, but I think I could deal with the loss better this time.



I wasn't happy with her. I lost all my confidence, my strength, I wasn't proud of myself, I neglected myself, my friends and I put up with a girl who never treated me anywhere near as good as I treated her, who seemed to take me for granted and was selfish.



I am over her. I don't pine for her. I don't want her back. I'm happy again, meeting girls, got my confidence back, studying and I have my life back together.



I wish there was a magic formula, but sometimes we just gotta dig deep and grind it out as best we can because that's the only way we can get through these tough times.



Just a word of advice, don't judge your own healing by the length of others. Don't feel discouraged if you are 1 year along and still missing your ex. Keep going. Everyone is different and every situation is different.

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