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Do you feel you'll ever be cut out for management?

Double J

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I don't.


In all honesty, at this point in my life (I'm 24), I don't desire to ever become a manager. The prospect of managing others, taking on more responsibilities, being under pressure constantly, and having work cut into my time with my girlfriend and family makes me want to shriek.


I'm also quite the introvert. I have come to realize that big corporations may not make the best fit for me because of the dreadful meetings and the red tape for which huge companies are notorious. I love working independently; the fewer the number of people I have to deal with, the better.


Here's my question: If you don't plan on being a manager, does that mean you have to keep jumping from one company to another?


Is it possible to get by as a subordinate for most of your life without making a transition to management?


Please feel free to share your experiences as well.

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Being a subordinate is not for me, since i general i don't like being told what to do, it's just my character.


Even still, i reckon promotable (so to speak) employees are less dispensable than those who just get by and do bare mininum. Nobody is dispensable, but those employees of more value are certainly less dispensable.

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Is it possible to get by as a subordinate for most of your life without making a transition to management?


Absolutely. A company cannot run on managers alone. There will always be a need for people to be "subordinates."


In fact, if you are good at your subordinate work, many companies want you to stay right there. If they try to promote you to management, a simple, gracious refusal is all the company will need.


Personally, I have no desire to be a manager. I think it invites unnecessary drama into my workload. Also, it kind of gives me a sense of security that I am not unilaterally making major decisions that could have major effects on a company. I do not want that kind of responsibility.

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This is tricky. I was a Stage Manager once at this small theatre, my oh my the stress!!! I was triple checking my list. I guess dealing with a live performance anything can go wrong. It gets easier with time though, so I could do it again. Naturally I don't think I'm cut out for it because I'm also quite compassionate. But I don't want to work for someone else either. I want to work by myself, have noone above me or below me.

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What do you do for a living? Or want to do in the future?


I guess it depends.


Managing isn't my favorite thing and I don't like having that as my primary role. But having the skills is useful - you can take it with you whatever you may be doing.


There are plenty of different organizations, ways that places are run - it's not all like the corporate big companies. Personally, working in management in one of those companies is my idea of hell on earth! lol.


But in other places, I've enjoyed taking on more management responsibilities. It is a sort of necessary step in many places to a leadership role.


So it's not all black and white. There are many ways to go about things.

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I totally know how you feel. I'm currently in grad. school, poised to go into a professional field in the next 2-3 years, a field where, after 4 or 5 years, I'd be in a position to manage entire branches. But, all I think about when that comes to mind is, "I don't wanna."


Sure, the pay increase would be great (say, a difference of $30k per year to $45k), but, being an introvert, as well, the idea of MANAGEMENT (yes, I always think about it in big, bold letters) just isn't appealing. Given, my field isn't exactly corporate America, and professionals in my field (particularly the managers) have some of the highest job satisfaction rates out there...but still.


I hate conflict and, sadly, I'd probably rather just not deal with crappy, or incompetent subordinates. Yes, I've come to terms with the fact that if I don't eventually take on a managerial position, I'm pretty much forcing myself to stick to a subordinate role, but I'm kinda okay with that for now. I don't think you'll have to move company's constantly if you just want to stick to your current role; there are people I work with who've been in their positions for 10-15 years. Yes, I'm sure that in that time they've had the opportunity to advance up to a higher position and pay grade, but chose not to. Not everyone is cut out to be a manager, and, in fact, a lot of managers probably shouldn't be managing anyone.


Think of the sitcom The Office, or The Drew Carey Show, almost any of the higher-ups on Seinfeld, or best yet, the classic movie, Office Space--ALL of the managers/supervisors/bosses are represented as crazy, incompetent, or just plain dumb. I'm not saying that managers, by virtue of their being managers are any of those things, I'm just saying that a lot of people simply aren't cut out to be "team leaders." It's a matter of art reflecting life; yes, some people make good managers, but I'm realistic about my own abilities: anyone I "managed" would have some pretty good fodder for a sitcom script...

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